Had dinner at IKEA with Ieta and the boys. Yummy sausages. After sent them off to the Kids Z0ne, Ieta and I started the wind0w sh0pping but Ieta ended up buying few t0ps,pair of sh0es if n0t mistaken, and few m0re items. Ahaha.. Sowwy akak, i was the she+devil f0r the nyte! Keke.. C0nvinced her to get th0se! Huhu..
Then we headed to IKEA. I wanted to get cl0th hanger. R0und by r0und, saw it and believe me, i was so frustrated! Written there
Fuck! Waaaa.. Tensi0n. Tensi0n. Tensi0n. Since September i had been wanting to get it. Never got the chance! And t0day, when i was there to get it, its bl0ody OUT OF STOCK.. ! Ieta was laughing away! She could see how pissed off i was when i saw the tag! Argh.. Hmph.. As we were walkin to the exit, then i saw the t0olb0x. And i grabbed it! I do need it badly! Huhu.. Paid and off we go, to get the b0ys.
Stop for sm0ke at carpark. Ieta asked to ring Fayzo. Gosh! Havent seen this boy for quite a while. We chatted a bit and he wanted to lepaq. Then go to Asia Cafe to meet him. He came with a friend. Ordered drinks, f0od and we chatted 0n everythin. Catchin up the days we havent seen each other. I never thought he lives nearby. Hes w0rkin at Subang Airp0rt. Go0d! Hehe.. Can ask him to teman me makan+sh0ppin laa. Hahaha.. Near yet so far. Nway, did ask him why quit study. Stupid answer he has given me th0ugh- hes juz not in the m0od since his rempit bike got st0len. Hmph.. So young and h0peless. 18 years old b0y. Understand. I was 18. I kn0w whats trippin alryte.. As l0ng as u happy, g0od4u then! Aint got m0re to say! N0t4me2judge. Aite?
We said gudnyte and off went h0me. Kinda exhausted..
beb so sorry..pasal nk kejar gie makan sampai lupe toolbox mu. nway we must set one weekend balik jb sesama and 1 night to tido at my house. my parents miss you heaps!!!
Its okie,laling! No worries! Yeah.. I do miss th0se time, tagging al0ng wt ya to yr h0uz. Huhu.. Years had passed. Weve gr0wn up so much but, all the mem0ries remain within us all al0ng. Owh.. I'd luv to tag al0ng wt ya n stay over at the new h0uz. Havent bn thr for m0re than a year. Understand weve gt thang 2do in our life n0w. As l0ng as the friendship still sparklin, shinin, glitterin n blessed, everythn would be juz perfecto m0ndo! Aunty m0mmy+uncle p0lice, me miss u t0o! Heaps heaps! C u s0on!
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