Two days off. Ive decided to go for my Xmas shopping. Been keeping those PARKS0N's voucher quite a while. With s0me savings. H0nestly, i havent sh0p m0re than two years. Since Debenhams closed d0wn in 06, i couldnt get anythin for my size. There are Benett0n, Mark&Spencers, Dorothy Perkins, Topshop, etc.. Just that, i have n0t been in the sh0ppin madness m0od! So, yesterday, with my so-called-br0ken-hearted sister, we went tO Subang Parade. Hell yeah.. I was unhappy coz n0n of the pants fit me, due to my abn0rmal hips size. I think, had tried m0re than 15 pants, including jeans, work pants. Nadaa~ skirts could fit me, surprisingly! But, it was black c0l0r. Oh god! Am c0l0rful! N0pp to skirts! Then, i started to try 0n dresses and yupp, c0uld fit me with0ut any issue. In c0nclusi0n, i do have major issue with my lower body part. As f0r my upper b0dy part, there is no issue at all. I rang my office colleague, Nore, and told her how pissed off i was at Dorothy Perkins, unable to fit into any pants! Arghh.. Nway, i ended up purchased 15 items fr0m Dorothy Perkins. Huhu.. Yayy~ i bought 4 shirts for my dad. Hope he g0nna luv it coz i ch0se the c0l0rs of my ch0ice. Ahaha.. Dad g0nna be c0l0rful man at w0rk s0on. Hehe.. I also bought black eyeliner for my mamyta and two sisters. N0thin for my babybro since hes a fussy p0ny! Keke.. Owh.. N0t to f0rget to menti0n here, i have a new handbag! Thats the BEST part of all the events taken place during my sh0pping madness at Parks0n, Subang Parade. My mamyta didnt kn0w that ive purchased a new GUESS handbag. Hehe..
Xmas eve, am g0ing to Hard Rock Cafe with my Elynn. Ieta and her hubby g0nna be there t0o. Am happy. My tiny xmas twee is all set up. Theme c0l0r this year, red+g0ld. Next year i g0nna get a bigger twee. G0sh.. Hw much ive missed my big+tall xmas twee that ive left in Ukraine. Hmph.. Celeb xmas al0ne in Msia, making me a lil bit sad. All my WUTANG CLANS are abr0ad. Malays in Msia w0nt understand that i celeb Xmas. For them, its a sin! Fuck y'all~ s0me of them, did call me names - kafir, munafiq, murtad, etc.. Do i care? Hell n0... Just fuckin leave me al0ne and lemme do my thangs! Argh.. Irritated s0meh0w. Aiyaiyai~ will update the pic of my twee s0on. No c0mments are welc0med alryte? Keep it to yaself! U got me aite? Tq!
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