I like this pic. Yayy.. Me hair is l0nger n0w. Cant wait to ch0pch0p it. Ahaha.. Ey u Sharwty babe! Few m0re days to hit 2009. Wuhuu.. Our 'perjanjian september 08' g0ing to end s0on! Kekeke..
Am luvin the weekend in Penang. Getaway m0de. 4 days leave seemed n0t en0ugh. Huhu.. Be thankful, Syezz.. Erk.. And yeah, pesta makanan f0r me. Ahaha.. Ieta the 0ne been f0rcing me to whack the f0od. Bfst+lunch+dnr. Aiyark.. N0w me phatty phatty m0de.
aishhhhh tak sabar nk potong ye.eheheeheheh..see if its not our perjanjian rambut mu yg ikal mayang tak kan pjg gitu.heheeh
aper kater kita extend the perjanjian lagi nk nk nk ??
ikal mayang apernyer~ ceit.. mcm giler dh rambot aku weihh!! erkk.. mayday mayday~~ aduss... tk larat nie dah.. tk de tkde.. perjanjiab til 1st Jab 09 JEK!!! ngengade! gua blasah lu kang~~~ aish...
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