Celebrated her bday. A small cr0wd though. After 13hrs at w0rk, t0ok taxi to Shah Alam. All the pe0ple were there already. Damn.. I was freaking tired nway. If didnt turn up f0r the bday bash, with0ut hesitati0n Ieta g0nna slaughter me to death. Oh dear.. Fyi, i have n0t eaten wh0le day. Then, the favourite sessi0n of all started. Oh owWw...
Drinkin . . . . .
This pic taken when i just arrived at the club. Puffy eyebags were gullible. Started with Chivas 0n the r0ck and there you go.. My tummy didnt feel g0od. Darn me.. C0nsume alc0h0l with0ut f0od wh0le day.. Erk.. My m0od started swinging coz i was fuckin hunwry. N0rmally f0od is served but no m0od fwee l0dging. Huhu..
Sh0ts after sh0ts, me alm0st puke but i c0uld resist it... Am the pianina. Hahaha.. So n0t pr0ud of it. Huhu.. Every0ne started to fly by. Me t0o, l0st in my f0od hunger w0rld...
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