Here is my Mamyta. Hye mama! Hehe.. Was at my bel0ved grandma's house. Then decided to take pic with her. Do we l0ok the similiar? Pe0ple said im m0re resembling my dad's features. Oh dear..
Dad+mamyta t0ok me to metrop0lice t0wer at jln. Abdullah Tahir. Went to 24th flo0r. There you go, Shawrty's m0mmy was there. I never th0ught she would be there. Again, ive forgotten that n0w shes the Mrs. Principal for nursing c0llege Jb based. Was happy to see her there. Last i saw her sumwhr in may 08 maybe. Shes back in Msia f0r g0od. Yayy.. We chatted a l0t. And Aunty did say that she kinda missed the old times, me tagging al0ng wt Shawrty to Tmn. Rinting. Hehe.. Ops! Uncle police missed havn me ar0und da houz, wheneva tag al0ng wt Shawrty to Jb. Oh owh..
Yupp yupp.. In Shawrty's blog, she wr0te that Uncle did ask if me g0nna tag al0ng to Jb for Raya Aidiladha. Huhu.. Alamak.. Uncle Police dah tanyer ni. Aduss.. K k Uncle. H0pe to see u s0on! Cant wait to l0ok at the new ren0vated house. T0o l0ng owedy. Aiyark..
Next interview would be in Nilai. Hmph.. Wish me luck then! Erk.. N0t easy n0w to c0ntinue studies. Argh.. Just pray for the best! W0nt put so much h0pe! Then, am g0nna l0se myself, AGAIN.. Tragedy is ME. ME is tragedy...
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