We was at the zoo today. The weather was cloudy. Kinda gloomy. Mika was still a bit off-color. Hence, never stop him from being so hyper, running around the z0o even it was drizzling til his m0mmy got so angry. Such a obstreperous kid! Alief, as usual, never st0pped c0mplaining 0n all sorts of issue. Gosh.. This boy really need a tight slap s0on if he never keep his m0uth shut. Ieta was pissed off but she was just kept 0n be patience with his attitudes. Pity your m0mmy! At 1st, Marks, Ieta's hubby decided to tag al0ng. Last minute, he backed off.
Unfortunately, the visit to the z0o was disastrous. M0st of animals were g0ne, due to under c0nstructi0n til March 09. Bloody pe0ple never ackn0wledge us! The z0o l0oked c0mpletely dead. Surprisingly, KFC was n0t there anym0re. Hmph.. As far as i could remember, my visit there would be maybe, 20 years ago. Ahaha..
Nway, h0pe the two b0ys had nice time at the z0o. Next trip would be a dinner treat fr0m Aunty Syezz at PIZZA UNO. Yummy yummy f0od!
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