Bunchet bunchet.. Keke.. This pic taken sumwhr in Apr 08. Gals day out! Her weight was 30kg maybe! Ahaha.. N0w, seeing her 'berchenta' with The Wing Man, and gal, you did it! Put m0re st0nes aite? Cant wait.. Just h0ping y0u w0nt fall sick! Then all the eff0rt to gain th0se 4kgs, fuckin wasted! Argh..
Me kn0w n0w you head over heels! Could feel the heat alryte! Ahaha.. Til Fluffy you aband0ned! Aish.. Nak kena pijak per0t ni! Hehe.. N0 n0.. Again you aband0ned my twin phatty b0o, c0nfirm, tocna tocka, me step 0n your tummy wummy! And The Wing Man w0nt able to be ya saviour! Owh.. Maybe he oso me step step 0n the tumtum! Twy me ? ! Uhuhu..
Weih.. Mrs. Wify 'rob' me SATC thang! Hehe.. K k.. Lu teng0k dulu smpai lebam. Kekeke.. D0nt f0rget, ask Mr. Husby to watch it t0o! Learn the 'bible' of OURS!
*wink wink*
These two w0men driven me nuts! Ahahaha.. Or maybe am the 0ne driven them b0th to insanity? Erk.. Ok ok. I admit, me a lost child! Bear me then..
Whens the nite out? Havnt gt to celeb Mrs. Wify's bday. Alamak.. Meraj0k seumur hidup nieh.. This c0ming weekend, me no ere! Me party hallelujah with Ieta s0mewhere. The least would be in Jb. Damn.. I miss me h0met0wn! Thats where i bel0ng.. Cant wait to be there for f0ur days.
Me n0w is 0n 'gatal' m0de. Itchy witchy.. Ahaha.. Mr. XJ me eyeing at the office. I got him trippin alwyte! Huhu.. Lets burn the c0tt0n with the fire then!
Let the game begins . . .
1 comment:
time for you to go man hunting...kui kui kui....
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