I juz w0ke up. Slept off ar0und 5am+. Was watching m0vie, THE W0MEN. Main actor, Meg Ryan. A g0od m0vie. M0st stories on the friendship between them b0th. I think, the writer tried to create s0mething like SATC. N0t a bad twy! Hehe.. This week 3pm-12midnite me w0rk. Bl0odyhell.. Hate it! G0nna twy to swap shift. And an0ther thang, 2nd,3rd and 4th Jan 09! Weekend getaway AGAIN with Ieta! Huhu.. This time would be Malacca and Negeri Sembilan! Huhu.. Cant wait for the adventure to begin! Even i have to w0rk 3 days 0nly fr0m t0day, still, jiwa aku mer0nta r0nta! Ahaha..
Had dinner at IKEA with Ieta and the boys. Yummy sausages. After sent them off to the Kids Z0ne, Ieta and I started the wind0w sh0pping but Ieta ended up buying few t0ps,pair of sh0es if n0t mistaken, and few m0re items. Ahaha.. Sowwy akak, i was the she+devil f0r the nyte! Keke.. C0nvinced her to get th0se! Huhu..
Then we headed to IKEA. I wanted to get cl0th hanger. R0und by r0und, saw it and believe me, i was so frustrated! Written there
Fuck! Waaaa.. Tensi0n. Tensi0n. Tensi0n. Since September i had been wanting to get it. Never got the chance! And t0day, when i was there to get it, its bl0ody OUT OF STOCK.. ! Ieta was laughing away! She could see how pissed off i was when i saw the tag! Argh.. Hmph.. As we were walkin to the exit, then i saw the t0olb0x. And i grabbed it! I do need it badly! Huhu.. Paid and off we go, to get the b0ys.
Stop for sm0ke at carpark. Ieta asked to ring Fayzo. Gosh! Havent seen this boy for quite a while. We chatted a bit and he wanted to lepaq. Then go to Asia Cafe to meet him. He came with a friend. Ordered drinks, f0od and we chatted 0n everythin. Catchin up the days we havent seen each other. I never thought he lives nearby. Hes w0rkin at Subang Airp0rt. Go0d! Hehe.. Can ask him to teman me makan+sh0ppin laa. Hahaha.. Near yet so far. Nway, did ask him why quit study. Stupid answer he has given me th0ugh- hes juz not in the m0od since his rempit bike got st0len. Hmph.. So young and h0peless. 18 years old b0y. Understand. I was 18. I kn0w whats trippin alryte.. As l0ng as u happy, g0od4u then! Aint got m0re to say! N0t4me2judge. Aite?
We said gudnyte and off went h0me. Kinda exhausted..
I went to Sunway pyramid to pay phone bill. Then, had lunch at RM Cafe. Had pie tee and Chinese tea. N0t in the m0od to eat. T0o many pe0ple. C0ngested. Wanted to puke alm0st. Oh god!
After lunch, as i was walking at lvl 5 new wing, i saw t-shirt. Yupp yupp.. I havent get nythn for my babybro. Oh dear! Hes a fussy babyb0y. So i rang him up. After asking him, what he wanted, then i rand0mly ch0se a b0utique. And at a glimpse, i saw a sleeveless top, just like what he wanted, and why my eyes 0n it? Coz its c0lorful! Hahaha.. I alm0st got him a purple 0ne but after c0nsidering and hell yeah, i d0nt want him to dress like an AQUA! So at last, i ch0se this t0p instead. Hehehe.. He luvs it! Already mms him the pic! Yeah.. Ive wrapped it and put it under the Xmas tree. Since they will be c0ming here 0n the 9th Jan 09. Yupp yupp! Langkawi, ere we c0me again! Wahh.. Bebet0l panggilan pulau! Wuhuu..
Ive t0ld dad and mamyta, it is A must n0w, at least, 0nce a year, my family g0es f0r vacati0n, all 6 of us. Together we go! Either cuti-cuti Msia or oversea trip. I wanted to go to an island but then, mamyta such a scaredycat. Ahaha.. Ok ok. Langkawi we go - again! Am the happiest of all! Why??? January- the m0nth where Russians pe0ple would be in Langkawi the m0st! Then, cheap ci garette and last but n0t least, the b0oze! Ahahaha.. Mamyta and dad knew already why Langkawi still in top of the list. Hehe.. Ma bad! Nway, mamyta could get new pinggan mankuk, periok, etc.. Hihi.. So, cant wait, really, for the vacati0n. G0nna pau daddy to the max! No ch0cs but ciggy and b0oze. Sowwy dad! Huhu..
Off day today. Woke up quite early. Then d0zed off again. Well, am sad. My kazen brother passed away yesterday. N0 m0re tears already. Hes 18. The hatred ive t0wards his parents, especially the father, n0w has g0ne infinite-out of boundaries! Po0r lil boy! To YOU, Mr. Dad, serve u ryte! Your s0n is dead! Let him rest in peace! Amin~
Hihi.. Weee... Per0t yg membulat. Kekeke.. I had kuey teow grg and milo iced. And N0re f0rced me to eat her r0ti bakar. Aiyark.. How to say no to f0od. Hehehe.. Bunchet pun bunchet la. Plus lately ive bn drnkn so much beer. Erk.. Tu je yg gue mampu. Ahahaha.. *winkwink*
I want to sleep!
Vewy sleepy.. Waaa.. Owh.. Shawrty is in Jb. The house is ready. Hallo hallo! Me r0om? Ehehe.. Regards to m0mmy and uncle police, plus huggies to the kittys.
Thank Kak Melati, my lady b0ss for the ZIP choc. I am hunwry! Huhu.. Owh owh.. Am wearin my new DP top t0day. Me luv the colors-purple+gween. Nice ha? And low cut t0o. Yeah.. Show the cleavage. Ahaha..
Lapa lapa lapa
Even this week me workin 7am, never stopped me fr0m g0ing out! Hehe.. 3 days late to work, due to overslept. Aiyark.. But, today a deawy fwen of mine, Al0ng woke me up by ringin me. Thank you laling! Yayy.. Am n0t late! Huhu..
After work yesterday, Sharwty rang. Damn. U at h0me ha? How c0me? Ohh.. I g0nna find Victor's number and update him bout ya! Ahaha.. I was supp0sed to go h0me but then, this w0man said s0methin 0n f0od. Oh n0o! Ok ok. C ya at K2K! Hehe..
While was busy bitchin ar0und with Shawrty, Ieta rang. Yupp yupp! S0methin up t0nyte! Huhu.. And yeah, The Curve our sp0t for Friday nyte out! Havent been there for quite s0metimes. Kinda miss D0ME, THE APARTMENT, THE SANCTUARY, CUPCAKES, etc..
Met Madame E and hubby at Laundry Bar. G0ssipped for a while then decided to go to Mystery. OMG! Live band i d0nt mind, but its r0ck of ages. Erk.. Migraine. Uhuhu.. I had few, would say, so much drinks. Haha.. At the same time, i was busy smsing with Mr. Z who has just got back fr0m Dubai. Cehh.. Pegi Dubai xcakap! Ceit.. Adakah? Mesti pegi dgn galfwen. Hehe.. K k. Understandable.. Just that, if i knew u g0ing there, so much me g0nna pre-order especially make up thang. Huhu.. T0o bad, u back ere already! Jahat la kau, Mr. Z! Isk..
The nyte f0r us ended at 2am+. Erk.. Me work 7am. Ah mamp0s la. Woteva... Saturday nyte mite be at Borneo, Sunway. Aiyark..
I was thinkin.. An0ther 6 m0re m0nths to go, bef0re am all0wed to ch0pch0p me hair. Waaa.. Tragical! N0w i would say it out al0ud!
why u wanna extend the durati0n of OUR 'Perjanjian Aug/Sept 08'??? U cruel-la devil! I cant imagine hows the hair g0nna l0ok like by June 09. OH MY G0D! Now itself, see it yaself! Curly wurly. Tangle mess. G0nna l0ok like a bee hive maybe. Or, afro! Aiyaiyai.. Mayday mayday!
Oh. Lets have tea again at K2K. Me likey that roti set. Hehe.. Even Afy seemed to like it t0o. Oh. The chend0l i g0nna order next time. That kaya char kuey also nice. Me like the kaya. Hehe.. Everythin me likey. Owh owh.. N0t to f0rget. Your new stripy pants. U l0ok g0od in it! Hot hot! Ahaha.. Me likey da pants t0o! Oh oWw..
Today is the ME LIKEY DAY.. !
There you go..
Me Xmas dwess fr0m Dor0thy Perkins that i purchased. Its lovely, isnt it? Shawrty Babe seemed please to see it! After f0rcin me to take pic of it and send it to her. Hehe.. Told ya so, its pretty. Vewy ladylyke. Ayte? Ihihi.. Ieta also said it d0es l0ok l0vely! Sweet of a kind. Huhu.. Price? Hmph.. Wot say u? Huhu.. I would say m0re than 200bucks. Ahaha.. Do i have a ch0ice?
*wink wink*
I wanted to have him so much. Even g0nna c0st th0usand bucks, i w0nt mind! The matter i am c0ncerned m0st - TIME. Am workin n0w. S0mem0re, with rotati0nal shift, i w0nt be able to l0ok after him. Kn0win havin a pup, he needs lots of attenti0n. Unlyke havin a kitten, its easier. Well, i hope, 0ne day, i would get to have a pup! Me luv ya!
3rd time i was late to work this week. Damn. Gonna effect my work performance! Waaa.. 7am starts workin. Erk.. It is hard to wake up so early. Been tossing and turn every m0rnin. Arghh.. Even at work, i been d0zing off, 0n and off. Huhuhu.. Gosh.. So sleepy..
Caught them 0n camera after been f0rcin them b0th. Malu malu plak. Cehh.. Ere are M0mmy Ieta and Papi Markus, 1st pic taken by me. We had a g0od time together. With Marks' m0uth, OMG! Huhu..
I remember when he wished me Merrx Xmas. Ryte after that, he said, 'u go to hell'. Aiyark.. Tak ke kejam! Ahaha.. Who care? I d0nt.. He was tellin me that d0nt listen to any pe0ple who badm0uthed me f0r celebratin Xmas! My parents also never said anythn! Plzz.. Bl0ody sicko~
Pic taken at Hard Rock Cafe. OMG! The band was n0t nice at all. The best still UC,PJ Hilt0n. Markus was s0meh0w irritated with the music played. This man into r0ck music. Aiyaiyai.. Migraine my brain. Huhu.. Thru0ut the nyte, f0ur of us chatted 0n m0st t0pics. Marks juz luv to irritate Elynn. Ahaha.. As for M0mmy Ieta, she was happy having us crashin da dnr party. Hehe.. Well, our Xmas Eve dinner ended quite early, due to my peri0d pain and 7am workin. Huhu..
H0h0h0.. Mewwy Xmas!
It was n0t a white Xmas after all but the Xmas Eve at Hard Rock Cafe with Elyn, Ieta and Markus was a perfect night to get together.
It was 1st time Markus j0ined us hang ar0und. Oh g0sh! He was such a jam. All these while, pe0ple tend to say that he is a serious+unfriendly man. T0o bad f0r such percepti0ns! He has such a mulut rabak t0o in a way. Haha.. Kutuk org je keje dia. Huhu.. We chatted a l0t. Gossippin.. As usual..
Off h0me early. Me peri0d pain. Damn. Ruin my xmas eve m0od. Erk.. Owh.. Nway, i juz luv the tea dress i g0t fr0m DP. Hehe.. Cute..
Merry Xmas! H0hoho..
I woke up at 5am. Then d0zed off again, time to time, til 6am. Got up and straight have sh0wer. This week til Sunday, work 7am-4pm. I like it. Even so hard to get up early m0rnin bt g0n get h0me when the sunshine is still there..
Hello hello org L0nd0n! Hahaha.. Bet u had a great time in UK. N0t to f0rget, your trip to Paris. Bl0ody adventure trip ha? Kekeke.. G0od to see you both back in piece. Hehe.. To The Wing Man, bile nak balik kamp0ng Lond0n, aku nak ik0t! Okie? Haha.. To Shawrty Babe, mati2 gue ingat lu jat0h kapal terbang ble lu ckp u injured. Aiyark.. Saket dada gue! Huhu.. Well, welc0me back to MAXIS! Ahahaha.. Bet u b0th hv bn missin Plaza Central heaps! Hihi.. Owait pe0ple. Pen off. Work 7am. Erk..
Owh.. Xmas eve, Hard Rock Cafe? Shall we? C0me 0n.. Spare me. Celeb xmas al0ne in Msia!
There you go!
Me tiny xmas twee. Less decors coz m0st of it br0ke! Huhu.. Maybe after w0rk t0m0rr0w, i g0nna go to Pyramid to get s0cks and few m0re gold balls and angels. Hmph.. Thought of havin a party at my new h0uz but, malas la. Huhu..
Two days off. Ive decided to go for my Xmas shopping. Been keeping those PARKS0N's voucher quite a while. With s0me savings. H0nestly, i havent sh0p m0re than two years. Since Debenhams closed d0wn in 06, i couldnt get anythin for my size. There are Benett0n, Mark&Spencers, Dorothy Perkins, Topshop, etc.. Just that, i have n0t been in the sh0ppin madness m0od! So, yesterday, with my so-called-br0ken-hearted sister, we went tO Subang Parade. Hell yeah.. I was unhappy coz n0n of the pants fit me, due to my abn0rmal hips size. I think, had tried m0re than 15 pants, including jeans, work pants. Nadaa~ skirts could fit me, surprisingly! But, it was black c0l0r. Oh god! Am c0l0rful! N0pp to skirts! Then, i started to try 0n dresses and yupp, c0uld fit me with0ut any issue. In c0nclusi0n, i do have major issue with my lower body part. As f0r my upper b0dy part, there is no issue at all. I rang my office colleague, Nore, and told her how pissed off i was at Dorothy Perkins, unable to fit into any pants! Arghh.. Nway, i ended up purchased 15 items fr0m Dorothy Perkins. Huhu.. Yayy~ i bought 4 shirts for my dad. Hope he g0nna luv it coz i ch0se the c0l0rs of my ch0ice. Ahaha.. Dad g0nna be c0l0rful man at w0rk s0on. Hehe.. I also bought black eyeliner for my mamyta and two sisters. N0thin for my babybro since hes a fussy p0ny! Keke.. Owh.. N0t to f0rget to menti0n here, i have a new handbag! Thats the BEST part of all the events taken place during my sh0pping madness at Parks0n, Subang Parade. My mamyta didnt kn0w that ive purchased a new GUESS handbag. Hehe..
Xmas eve, am g0ing to Hard Rock Cafe with my Elynn. Ieta and her hubby g0nna be there t0o. Am happy. My tiny xmas twee is all set up. Theme c0l0r this year, red+g0ld. Next year i g0nna get a bigger twee. G0sh.. Hw much ive missed my big+tall xmas twee that ive left in Ukraine. Hmph.. Celeb xmas al0ne in Msia, making me a lil bit sad. All my WUTANG CLANS are abr0ad. Malays in Msia w0nt understand that i celeb Xmas. For them, its a sin! Fuck y'all~ s0me of them, did call me names - kafir, munafiq, murtad, etc.. Do i care? Hell n0... Just fuckin leave me al0ne and lemme do my thangs! Argh.. Irritated s0meh0w. Aiyaiyai~ will update the pic of my twee s0on. No c0mments are welc0med alryte? Keep it to yaself! U got me aite? Tq!
To0k the pic of this baby wild boar. So cute. Ahaha.. Naa.. I still prefer the pinkish piglet! Hehe.. The rest of the family are so en0rm0us and fucking hideous. Huhu..
Owh.. In my last p0st, ive wr0ngly typed a word. The correct 0ne would be VICISSITUDES. Ma bad~
We was at the zoo today. The weather was cloudy. Kinda gloomy. Mika was still a bit off-color. Hence, never stop him from being so hyper, running around the z0o even it was drizzling til his m0mmy got so angry. Such a obstreperous kid! Alief, as usual, never st0pped c0mplaining 0n all sorts of issue. Gosh.. This boy really need a tight slap s0on if he never keep his m0uth shut. Ieta was pissed off but she was just kept 0n be patience with his attitudes. Pity your m0mmy! At 1st, Marks, Ieta's hubby decided to tag al0ng. Last minute, he backed off.
Unfortunately, the visit to the z0o was disastrous. M0st of animals were g0ne, due to under c0nstructi0n til March 09. Bloody pe0ple never ackn0wledge us! The z0o l0oked c0mpletely dead. Surprisingly, KFC was n0t there anym0re. Hmph.. As far as i could remember, my visit there would be maybe, 20 years ago. Ahaha..
Nway, h0pe the two b0ys had nice time at the z0o. Next trip would be a dinner treat fr0m Aunty Syezz at PIZZA UNO. Yummy yummy f0od!
I am PMSing!
While writing the previous p0st, i started shedding tears. I do miss my grandpa so much! I have n0t cry since March 08. Am n0t in grief! So, what the fuck i want to cry f0r.. Since grandma admitted to h0spital, i just lost it s0meh0w! I d0nt kn0w to wh0m i sh0uld tell whats trippin inside me. I cant tell Mamyta or Papyta.. Especially Mamyta. She would start thinkin so much if i burst out to her. It w0nt help but g0ing to make things m0re c0mplex.
Am i all al0ne? ? ?
I was so sick worried about her. I was in Jb last week and visited her. She was fine. She was happy, ecstatic to see me. Last i saw her during Raya. In October.. Erk..
The f0ll0wing M0nday, mamyta rang me but i couldnt attend th0se calls coz i was working. After work, rang my mamyta and my heartbeat st0pped.. My grandma was admitted to PSH Jb. OH MY G0D! I started panicking. I cant go back immediately. Goddamnit~
She was diagn0sed with min0r heart attack. This is n0t happening to me n0w! N0 n0 n0... My parents t0ok her to the h0spital at 0nce. She refused at first to be sent to PSH Jb. After c0nvincing her that the c0nditi0n was bad and could lead to fatal, she agreed. Ever since, i rang mamyta everyday to get update on her c0nditi0ns. After finalize the diagn0sis, her lung was infected and lead to pneum0nia. As a diabetic patient, her sugar level has reached 30. OMG!! Even bl0od pressure drastically risen up 220/... Damn..
Finally, she was released fr0m h0spital yesterday. I was delighted to hear it. I rang her and our c0nversati0ns leading to tears. She was s0bbing. Cryin her lungs out. She was so sad+devastated with her children who are n0t there f0r her when she needed them the m0st. The s0n that she has always love the m0st, refused to pay f0r her h0spital bill. What the fuck? Grandma never asked! But, d0nt u have courtesy to offer?? Instead, my dad, the 0ne that u always thr0w nasty words, did c0ntribute 2k for the bills. Shes n0t his m0ther, f0r g0dsake!
The Mr. HE, who has always brag about his fucking salary 17k+ m0nthly, cant pay f0r his own m0ther bills?! I am pissed off! But what can i do? And who the hell is me, to judge?
I do feel bad. But, am h0peless myself! I wished if i had the m0ney+vim+etc, to supp0rt her in any ways.
Be str0ng! I kn0w, that deep inside u, u kn0w, im always there f0r u, in any kind of weather, within my reach... If 0nly i c0uld do s0mething ab0ut it, i would be the joyest pers0n ever... The love u have sh0wered me throughout vissicitudes, since the day i was b0rn, the day u br0ught me up, and up to t0day, u never st0p loving me. Even how fucked up my life was, u still accept me with arms wide open. I wished, my grandpa was still here t0day. Losing him 0n 8th March 08, it was the greatest lost i ever had. Until t0day, am n0t over it. In denial.. Keep it that way! 0nly me understand all the feelin that trippin inside me..
I have missed u so much til i couldnt shed anym0re tears. Why u leave so early? I did ask u to wait f0r me when i left to Shah Alam to settle my studies matter. U never waited f0r me,grandpa... I was away f0r a day 0NLY.. And 0n the next day, i got a ph0ne call sayin u are g0ne, in y0ur sleep.. Is it fair to me? I wished i never left u there. F0r two m0nths i was l0okin after u at the h0spital, a day i was away, u had leave me f0rever... How should i take it? How? How?
How it feels when someone you are into, are messing with your mind?
I am quite uneven after heard what i had not been wanting to hear from that particular person. I was so stupid to go so into that pers0n until i never thought, i would lose the battle again - too early! Am n0t givin' up but should call it off n0w, or never.. !
Yet s0meh0w, i hate the m0st 0n mixed messages that been given out directly or discreetly. What the fuck, i got to interpret its all when i knew earlier, everything is just the evil thoughts that been playin in the lost mind of 0neself. 0nly f0r a reas0n - I BELIEVE!
Gutted~ when i started to believe, then the universe seems cant hold much of it and in a sec0nd, all wreck off...
H0nestly, I was jiggered with the c0nfessi0ns and c0mpletely lost my c0mp0sure. Uncertainty is overwhelming. So just like the adrenalin rush! Do i deserve such nefarious c0nfessi0ns? N0w enmeshed with this situati0n - again -
i sumh0w,asphyxiated...
Ahaha.. This is my babysis, Farrara her name. Or Demiuk. Or the latest, Rem0n. Ehehe.. She loves to paint her face. Thats how i describe MAKE UP when it c0mes to Farrara. Hihi.. Hv t0ld her off many many times st0p painting the face but she never listened. Gosh.. Plastic sis ive got here! Erk..
The colorful top BENETT0N WINTER C0LLECTI0N 07 is still my fav. Top ever! Ahaha.. Thats why m0st of my pics me w0rn it everytime, at anykind of weather. Kihkihkih.. Selagi tak ilang c0l0r kt baju! Ahaha..
This pic has been taken 0n 17th May 08 during the trip to Genting with my two babes, Shawrty and Azzy. The reas0n i p0sted the pic coz of my short sh0rt hair. Hehe.. 0nly been 7 m0nths, the hair has gr0wn so healthily. Huhu.. And n0w, fast u c0me, JAN 09! The time for me to go mad bout me hairdo. Oh oww.. Gila gila.. Am c0unting the days n0w. Its 21st Dec 08 today. 4 m0re days b4 XMAS. I miss white Xmas! Hmph, ukraine, whr u?whr me? Erk..
Kemb0ng mamp0s pipi aku. Aduss.. Yupp yupp.. Ive put 0n weight lately. Aiyark.. Ive been indulging l0ts of unhealthy junks. Oh god! Esp. for the past 1 week, ive been whacking 'g0reng+pisang' with sambal kichap itam. Mamp0s! Bl0ody oily f0od! I cant help it! Erk.. Plus, been eating lots of seaf0od t0o. Oh g0sh! N0w crab madness m0de! Alm0st every nyte i had crab f0r dinner. Damn me.. Watch the knees! Erk..
Its time to rec0lor my hair. Erk.. The hair l0oks like shyt. I hate it! Argh.. I am the Ruskaya Devushka. Need the bl0nde c0l0r back in the h0use! Life seems so inc0mplete n0w. Hairdo d0es mean s0methang at the end. Ayte? So, time to wreck the hair again! Wuhuu.. All the best!
Here is my Mamyta. Hye mama! Hehe.. Was at my bel0ved grandma's house. Then decided to take pic with her. Do we l0ok the similiar? Pe0ple said im m0re resembling my dad's features. Oh dear..
Dad+mamyta t0ok me to metrop0lice t0wer at jln. Abdullah Tahir. Went to 24th flo0r. There you go, Shawrty's m0mmy was there. I never th0ught she would be there. Again, ive forgotten that n0w shes the Mrs. Principal for nursing c0llege Jb based. Was happy to see her there. Last i saw her sumwhr in may 08 maybe. Shes back in Msia f0r g0od. Yayy.. We chatted a l0t. And Aunty did say that she kinda missed the old times, me tagging al0ng wt Shawrty to Tmn. Rinting. Hehe.. Ops! Uncle police missed havn me ar0und da houz, wheneva tag al0ng wt Shawrty to Jb. Oh owh..
Yupp yupp.. In Shawrty's blog, she wr0te that Uncle did ask if me g0nna tag al0ng to Jb for Raya Aidiladha. Huhu.. Alamak.. Uncle Police dah tanyer ni. Aduss.. K k Uncle. H0pe to see u s0on! Cant wait to l0ok at the new ren0vated house. T0o l0ng owedy. Aiyark..
Next interview would be in Nilai. Hmph.. Wish me luck then! Erk.. N0t easy n0w to c0ntinue studies. Argh.. Just pray for the best! W0nt put so much h0pe! Then, am g0nna l0se myself, AGAIN.. Tragedy is ME. ME is tragedy...
Hands0me adeq ku ini. Haha.. Pose fr0m him. Dah nant0k ek? Yeah.. Past 12midnite ni. Aduss.. Jgn dia nk blk plak. Br nk cuci2 mata gue seyy! Alamak.. Kacaucau.. Aiyark..
Me in Jb. 2days 0nly. Went back for an interview. Nway, as ive promised Helmy a.k.a Soul Styler, that me g0nna take him out clubbin in Jb at The Zone area. There we go, at LUSH n0w. OMG! Handle Bar n0t there nym0re. Sad.. Haha.. I ch0se LUSH coz A.Z is there. Hehe.. Fyi, my babybro underage! Huhu.. Juz finished SPM. Aiyark.. So, g0tta make use of the c0nnecti0ns i have. Hehe.. Networking does work-in clubbin world. Haha.. Helmy a wee bit shy! Damn ya bro! Juz shuffle then! Show em all the m0ve uve got! Well, dad sent us off. Thought of driving but then, i kn0w, i g0nna over indulge the alc0h0l. Hehe.. Thank you dad f0r sending us! Luv ya! Mwahmwah..
Nyte still young and restless. . .
I woke up at 6am. Msg Kukie. N0t sure work at 7am or 7.30am. Then, d0zed off back. 6.30am got up. Rushing to get ready. Damn sleepy. Huhu.. I slept quite late. Watched m0vie. Ma fault. What to do. Was 0n leave for f0ur days. N0w to get back to work, kinda disastrous! Aint got m0od at all. I kn0w that my day at w0rk t0day would be so lame. Argh..
I saw Mr. XJ. He was at work. I was sh0cked. I thought hes at h0spital. So stubb0rn! Scolded him for a bit. Huhu..
Suddenly got to kn0w have a meeting 4.30pm-6.30pm. Damn.. Ruin my day! If n0t, by 5pm i w0uld be at h0me already.
N0t much work t0day. I am pleased. No m0re netw0rk issues. Thank g0d! M0st of time, i was just sitting in fr0nt of the PC. Do n0thin.. B0red.. Hmph..
Woke up late. Around 12pm+. Then, started helping Omak preparing lunch. I c0oked daging kicap. B0iled brocc0li. Asam pedas tenggiri. Udg grg. Ikn grg. Rendang ayam. Pesta makanan. Had lunch with others. Then had sh0wer. N0w j0tting d0wn ere. Keep updating whats g0ing 0n with me days. 0mak+kids+al0ng left for Seremban. Ieta and i at h0me, r0lling. Still exhausted of our h0ls in penang. Owh.. I received a miss call fr0m +380.. Oh my god! Ukraine's hp num. I knew it! Its my babyb0y-alagu manthiram. Straight rang back. Chatted f0r a while since hes leaving f0r class. I miss you so crazy heaps,babyb0y...
Our journey back was c0ol and dandy. We st0pped to have ice cream+ciggy at rNr. Chatted 0n everythin.
Dr0ve straight to Nilai, since Ieta's kids and 0mak already there. It was raining heavily. Traffic was heavy. It was so dark and hardly c0uld see the r0ad.
The best part..
0mak was preparing rendang chicken. Ayam kicap already d0ne-Mika's fav. 0mak b0ught ketupat palas. Perfecto m0ndo! Huhu..
Bef0re we attacked the f0od, i t0ok this pic with Mika. As usual, Alief ran off. Camera shy. Ahaha.. We had our dinner together. G0sh.. Mika ate 4 times. He had rice+ayam kicap. This wee lil b0y, he really can eat. He luvs ayam kicap a l0t! Would c0ok f0r him 0ne day..
I slept off after 0n the ph0ne wt Mr. XJ. He was at the h0spital. Suspected dengue. Oh dear.. And this man, or should i say this b0y, .. Hes whining a l0t, saying i wasnt there f0r him. OH MY G0D!!! How am i supp0sed to kn0w that you g0nna fall sick?! Aiyark.. I see you s0on ok, babyb0o! Po0r Mr. XJ. Told him to drink lots, lots and lots of 100plus. Tcare darls...
3rd day..
Oh n0o.. So fast time flies. The h0ls g0nna end f0r us. Me g0ing to w0rk 0n Tues. Ieta as well, g0ing to start again her h0uzwifys routines.
We managed to make friends with s0me pe0ple. G0od thang indeed. Next trip, would have s0me0ne to c0ntact and hang out with.
We w0ke up late, 1pm+. Check out 12n0on. Hehe.. What to do, we slept at 8am+. Ahaha.. Bl0ody exhausted of the night0uts. N0w we g0ing to say g0odbye penang! Will upload m0re pics since m0st of the pics in Ieta's camera.
Thank you Mr. Dj, Mr. Carlos, Mr. AZ, Mr. Eddy.
Til we meet again..
I like this pic. Yayy.. Me hair is l0nger n0w. Cant wait to ch0pch0p it. Ahaha.. Ey u Sharwty babe! Few m0re days to hit 2009. Wuhuu.. Our 'perjanjian september 08' g0ing to end s0on! Kekeke..
Am luvin the weekend in Penang. Getaway m0de. 4 days leave seemed n0t en0ugh. Huhu.. Be thankful, Syezz.. Erk.. And yeah, pesta makanan f0r me. Ahaha.. Ieta the 0ne been f0rcing me to whack the f0od. Bfst+lunch+dnr. Aiyark.. N0w me phatty phatty m0de.
Ieta forced me to d0wn a jug of L0ng island tea. The worst - it tasted like shyt. R0tten lem0n. Damnit.. Nway, i still d0wn it all. 88bucks. Erk..
The night went 0n as we have planned. Mr. Dj n0ticed US. Awes0me! The night was ours! Any s0ngs we requested, Mr. Dj played its all. Again, it was n0t a waste after all. Huhu..
Ieta decided to order Bacardi Apple. Damn.. Alm0st finished it. 3/4 of the b0ttle g0ne. 0nly two of us having it. Went back to the r0om ar0und 4am+.
And we Zzzzz ...
The day started with me, unable to get taxi. Ieta was waiting for me at PJ, after sent the kids to school. Damnit.. I waited m0re than an hour. Gosh.. What a day to start with. Fuckin wasted! Huhu.. At last, taxi arrived and t0ok me to the deutsche shule. Hehe.. Speak german la plak.
The journey started. The traffic was sm0oth. Cant wait to get there. Batu Feringghi, here we c0me.. G0nna stay at Park Royal. 3 days two nites we g0ing to be there.
Its just TWO of us...
She luvs it! Especially the cake. This w0man had a blast 0n her bday. All cl0se frens were thr to celeb her bday, except f0r HIM, who has g0ne to see g0d. It is tragical to l0se s0me0ne drastically. Hmph..
Ive been underattacked by W0MAN! Adakah? Aduss.. All ieta's idea. Aiyark.. N0 n0.. Me straight! Mayday mayday..
Me super ko. Tired+drunk. Still able to take pic of meself. Wh0se fingers pinching me cheek? Me aint got any idea. What i could remember, i hardly c0uld open me b0th eyes. I was just wanting to get h0me... And we off to eat coz am angry,due to hunger. Aiyark.. Tragical
Celebrated her bday. A small cr0wd though. After 13hrs at w0rk, t0ok taxi to Shah Alam. All the pe0ple were there already. Damn.. I was freaking tired nway. If didnt turn up f0r the bday bash, with0ut hesitati0n Ieta g0nna slaughter me to death. Oh dear.. Fyi, i have n0t eaten wh0le day. Then, the favourite sessi0n of all started. Oh owWw...
Drinkin . . . . .
This pic taken when i just arrived at the club. Puffy eyebags were gullible. Started with Chivas 0n the r0ck and there you go.. My tummy didnt feel g0od. Darn me.. C0nsume alc0h0l with0ut f0od wh0le day.. Erk.. My m0od started swinging coz i was fuckin hunwry. N0rmally f0od is served but no m0od fwee l0dging. Huhu..
Sh0ts after sh0ts, me alm0st puke but i c0uld resist it... Am the pianina. Hahaha.. So n0t pr0ud of it. Huhu.. Every0ne started to fly by. Me t0o, l0st in my f0od hunger w0rld...
Bunchet bunchet.. Keke.. This pic taken sumwhr in Apr 08. Gals day out! Her weight was 30kg maybe! Ahaha.. N0w, seeing her 'berchenta' with The Wing Man, and gal, you did it! Put m0re st0nes aite? Cant wait.. Just h0ping y0u w0nt fall sick! Then all the eff0rt to gain th0se 4kgs, fuckin wasted! Argh..
Me kn0w n0w you head over heels! Could feel the heat alryte! Ahaha.. Til Fluffy you aband0ned! Aish.. Nak kena pijak per0t ni! Hehe.. N0 n0.. Again you aband0ned my twin phatty b0o, c0nfirm, tocna tocka, me step 0n your tummy wummy! And The Wing Man w0nt able to be ya saviour! Owh.. Maybe he oso me step step 0n the tumtum! Twy me ? ! Uhuhu..
Weih.. Mrs. Wify 'rob' me SATC thang! Hehe.. K k.. Lu teng0k dulu smpai lebam. Kekeke.. D0nt f0rget, ask Mr. Husby to watch it t0o! Learn the 'bible' of OURS!
*wink wink*
These two w0men driven me nuts! Ahahaha.. Or maybe am the 0ne driven them b0th to insanity? Erk.. Ok ok. I admit, me a lost child! Bear me then..
Whens the nite out? Havnt gt to celeb Mrs. Wify's bday. Alamak.. Meraj0k seumur hidup nieh.. This c0ming weekend, me no ere! Me party hallelujah with Ieta s0mewhere. The least would be in Jb. Damn.. I miss me h0met0wn! Thats where i bel0ng.. Cant wait to be there for f0ur days.
Me n0w is 0n 'gatal' m0de. Itchy witchy.. Ahaha.. Mr. XJ me eyeing at the office. I got him trippin alwyte! Huhu.. Lets burn the c0tt0n with the fire then!
Let the game begins . . .
Nah amik lu 2 d0zens donut. Makan smpai kembung. Sungguh pandai adeq gue ini mem'pau' aku! Memlm buta dtg pau aku seyy.. Ceit.. Sila sila makan la anda sampai lebam. Aduss.. Super piggies!