Yayy~ ive got a b0ok to read n0w. Thank you to you Shawrty Babe. She has given me a b0ok which remind me so much of UKRAINE. The title also s0unds a wee bit dodgy - A SHORT HISTORY OF TRACTORS IN UKRAINIAN.. I guess after translated fr0m Russian to English, thats where the s0und of it arised.. Well, let me read it. Then i would elaborate m0re 0n it ya?
By the way, after work, Shawrty rang. So, decided to wait for her at her house area. I stopped at ESSO, transfered RM700 to Sharizan's acc0unt. Erk.. She's the TUAN KHEMAH, i mean the owner of the house i live in n0w. Very late already to pay the rent. What to do, ive fallen sick. My ph0ne caput. Lost her no. Lucky i f0und Kalai's name card so rang her up to get Sharizan's num. So, 0ne-thing-to-do is d0ne!
While waiting for Babe, i thought of Gwumpy. Rang him up. He still unwell. Both of us g0tta l0ok after our health ha! Huhu.. Shawrty arrived. We went to the bazar Ramadhan. Pesta makanan! Ahaha..apa lagi. Mcm2 aku beli. Erk.. D0nt tell my mama! Mati aku kena bebel berpesta makanan! Aiyark.. I bought nasi dagang ikan t0ngk0l, ayam percik, lopes, kuih puteri salad, poya, and erm.. I forg0t.. Hahaha.. C0me 0n! Am n0t that piggy ya! G0nna share with others t0o! Tapi aku rasa, m0st of it gua yang bantai. Wakaka.. Naa.. I didnt finsh da nasi dagang. N0t nice. The m0st are the kuih muih. Bile lagi nak makan delicacies. Time puasa je la. Oh. Me got kuih tep0ng g0mak but n0t nice so aku buang trus dlm rubbish bin. Byebye! Hehe..
After buka, we (shawrty,et,janet,wan,jawrty,n0t to f0rget, Fluffy and Spartan) watched tv. And Mr. Sn0b sms me. Whatever.. Malas nak pikir pasal kawan aku yang sekor ni. Frust n0nggeng, dia hilang, pastu mer0yan, cakap aku s0mb0ng! Adakah? Gue rase nak tampar je kan! Isk.. Bukan jauh pun, satu office je! Ah.. Persetankan~ oh. Samb0ng pasal tgk tv.
1 after 1 channel we watched, til at this 1 reality sh0w THE M0MENT OF TRUTH. Aish.. I w0nt mind answering all th0se kind of questi0ns. Who kn0ws i might win that USD500K. Haha.. Just g0tta be h0nest! Hehe.. Even g0ing to jeopardise the friendship, or relati0nship, at least, the truth is what u got! Aite? Try me then? ;-)
Topics by topics been bithcin' about. And the m0st interesting t0pic goes to BACK IN SCH0OL TIME. Damn.. 9 years passed already. Erk.. I didnt kn0w how it started but for me, that was part of THE M0MENT OF TRUTH! :-P
Isnt it? N0w i realized how much i have missed sch0ols life. Next year, g0nna hit 10 years! My my~ m0st of the sch0ol friends that still in my thoughts are married. I think, m0re than 5 w0men are pregnant n0w. Hehe.. All m0mmy-to-be.. Time flies so fast.. Ha?¿ still remember in 1998,class 4A, semua tido je keje. Haha.. Br bt0l sleepin beauty. Was i the m0nit0r? Lupe dah aku.. To Ms. R, aku ingat kau tido dlm clz, b0ley mimpi jat0h gaung! Ahahaha.. Hilarious.. Saket per0t ketawa time tu. Mcm2.. To Ms. Et, sowwy ek, gue memg xingt lgsg kau dlm 3RK. Aiyark.. Yeah.. Sch0ol time, i was the anti-s0cial type. Hahahaha.. Believe it or n0t? That time, aku t0mb0y. If i put the pic ere, alamak.. Aku pun tak ngaku tu gamba aku! Wakakaka.. Tgk la, if i gt to find a few, then i shall upl0ad here. The ME ME, BEF0RE and AFTER! Hihi.. Ada pengsan agaknye u all tgk th0se pics. Owh.. To Ms. Shawrty Babe, i remember 2RK. When i hated u the m0st. Isk.. Memg benci a kowkow nye. ' GALS, PLZ KP YR M0UTH SHUT '.. Dia b0ley tulis kt papan hitam. Ceit.. Gilenye eksyen. Memg t0k mawas a time tu kan. Nape a aku xbantai kau mase tu. I think, that time yr weight 20kg. Kahkahkah.. Nyesal dah skang ni. Cruel intenti0ns kan? See.. As i said, THE M0MENT OF TRUTH. B-) well, Shawrty just rang me. Told her that s0metimes, we should gather SIGSians, class of 99. We could sit, and chit chatting bout our days at SIGS. Who kn0ws, we might find s0mething new! The l0st secrets and treasures~
Owh.. I got a sms fr0m Mr. Z.
Hes alive. Thats 0ne thing i kn0w! Gud that u r still out there! I kn0w u bz. Okie? Am still ere, sick and dying..
Bef0re i f0rg0t, thank you to RBS for the c0mment. Appreciate that! Yeah.. U rite. It is expensive n0w the cigarettes. But then, back in NZ, I did pay NZ$12 for a pack of DUNHILL 20. D0esnt make any different though, for a chain sm0ker like me! Haha.. Well, s0mething cr0ssed my mind when RBS came in the picture. Yeah.. I remember RBS told me bout a year ago, when i asked him.
RBS answered,
' cause YOU are the SEC0ND ch0ice ' .. !
Perfecto answer! Thank you Uncle for sharing the info with me! At least n0w, when i enc0untered with that kind of man, i kn0w h0w to resp0nse! Tak payah nak buang masa aku! Kan, Uncle, snang kan? Hehe.. This is 0ne special uncle i ever had! The meanest t0o! Adakah bg gamba raspberry cheese cake SECRET RECIPE for my bday last year! Isk.. Takkan aku lupa la wey! I remember
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