Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gala Ramadhan SCC

Food festival. Huhu.. The day we have been waiting for. So much of f0od. Rice. Mi h0on. Kuih muih. Lauk pauk. Dessert. Lots m0re to jot d0wn.

Me wearing my purple printed s0ngket. Hate the material. All the g0lden thread started c0ming out. I just can pull it. Well, am g0ing to thr0w the baju kurung then. Off you go..

Owh.. I saw that RED HAIRED byatch. Again! We were bitching about her, thru0ut the time. That kind of w0man, should just rape her and she would kn0w, n0t everyday is a better day.

30th Oct, 8am my flight to JB with Elyn. Ive b0oked the taxi at 5.30am. C0st me 80bucks to LCCT. Damnit.. Cant wait to go back. I miss c0oking! So many recipes am g0ing to prepare for the c0ming Eid. Again, F0OD FESTIVAL .. ! Esp. Kerala prawn and my 'rumput' fruit punch. Hehe.. Rumput pun tapi sedap! Eh.. N0t rumput ok. Its ch0pped c0riander leave. Haha..

Ive received internal e-mails today. Fr0m wh0m? Who kn0ws? I was so darn busy today, coaching few pe0ple fr0m fish tank. Bl0ody tired. I like to do the w0rk myself. Hmph.. Nway, back to the internal emails. I saw the name. N0pp, aint familiar at all. Must be the new face 0n the flo0r. Well, i replied the mails. And we were like, chatting in a way. He emailed. I replied. He emailed again. I did ask ar0und but no 1 seemed to kn0w that name AHN. Aish.. Secret admirer as he wr0te. Gosh.. I feel as if, me in sch0ol. Ahaha.. Whatever... Lets see who that, AHN.

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