Sunday, September 28, 2008

Me baju raya

Aiyark.. Its blue. Huhu.. My mama bought for me. I saw small printed flowers on the baju there. Erm.. I d0nt like the c0lor. Never w0rn blue. I wanted orange but mama said, hard to find orange baju kurung, unless baju kawin. Ahh.. Bodo.. Baju kawin buat pe! Ceit..

Me off sat n sun. Again, got my period. Hate this time of the m0nth. 2 days in bed. Bleeding a river. Waaa.. Yucky yucky eww..

Cant wait to go JB 0N Tues m0rning with me sis via lcct at 8am. Taxi g0n c0me at 5.30am. C0st me 80bucks ok. Ive told mama to get ready all the things for me to c0ok. Yayy!

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