Am home. Waiting for my baby sis. Shes on the way to my house. I thought shes in JB,but shes at h0me,tido mati!adakah?
Owh.. Hist0ry created today! Am fasting! Believe me or n0t? Me half way KO! N0t because n0 f0od,water,but cigarette. Me clique at work was happy cause me fasting. Adakah? Me twying hard ere! Erk.. Nway, it 4.30pm, and am still standing. Yeah.. Surviving~
Work was ok. N0t much to do. So, am just there, chit chatting with the pe0ple there. Oh my.. Ms. Krasavitsa came to me. I was like, damn, perempuan chantek dekat dgn aku ni.. He came to talk to me for a while. Gosh.. Tall.. Never n0ticed that. 1st time i got to see him in pers0n, face to face. A plus isnt it? Beautiful, tall, sweet smile! Aish.. C0mplete!
Me watching tv. M0st likely, tv g0ing to watch me s0on. D0zing off.. Owh.. I saw my dunhill. Oh n0o.. Run and hide.. Erk..
Puasa .. .. ..
Good to hear dat you are fasting. keep it up. Also try to reduce smoking.... getting expensive now... Bad.
good good..see its not that bad right!! :)
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