I slept off after got home from work. Am 'fasting' in a way. Huhu.. Still the time of the month. Anyway, work was fine. Not much to do. Kukie was not at work. Oh. I bumped into 'perempuan chantek'. Cayer aku cayer.. Erk.. Lesbian kah aku? Aish.. Ms. Krasavitsa HIS name. HIS? Yeah.. Gender confused.. Akukah? -identity crisis- aiyark.. Even the men said, HE is beautiful.. Huhu.. Well, lets see whats going to happen, whether me could win HER. Ahaha.. Am the man, ha?¿ hihi.. Sggh beng0ng aku ini~
Filipino's cousin, Mr. LP, rang me at 3.45am. Damnit.. Disturb my sleepy time. He wanted to c0me over. Are u nuts? Me w0rk at 7am. Argh.. Insanity.. I will c0mplaint to Filipin0. U d0nkey, disturbed me again n again til 5.30am. Me g0nna be cranky..
Gals hang out day. Happy hour! Erk.. No no, i mean, buka puasa together. Went to Shawrtys. Fluffy demiuk saw me fr0m the balc0ny as he was standing there, observing the outer world. So sweet of u,demiuk, waited for me at the main d0or. Aish.. Am the cat-walker! Ahaha.. T0ok fluffy out for a walk,while waiting for the other two babes of mine. OMG! The 'satanist' whity male cat was there! Off you go, my slippers i threw towards the satan. Fluffy was so scared and stayed under the car alm0st 30mins. At last, br0ught him in.. Hes n0t happy, i kn0w..
The night alm0st d0ne. I did s0mething that intolerable. Ive pr0mised myself n0t to mingle with IT.. And to the Lord, i surrender.. Am s0rry god! Am s0rry m0mma! Forgive me for being such a shmuck! Pr0mised made. And again, br0ken pr0mise... Truba.. Takou veweu, ja He m0gy terbjat!
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