Happy Birthday Panjang! Smart OLD 26th.. Hehe.. Next m0nth, would be Mrs. Panjang's birthday. Well, even how busy we are in our daily life, we still managed to find s0me times for the three of US to chill out together. Azi prepared nasi impit, sambal g0reng, kari ayam, sambal kerang, and sam0sa for buka puasa at her house. Thank you for the yummy f0od! While Shawrty and I, went to bazar ramadhan to get few kuih muih. T0o bad the L0PES finished already. We b0ught karipap kentang and daging, p0ya and k0p0k leko. Gosh.. So much of f0od but we managed to eat it all. Haha..
We chit chatted 0n many t0pics. Especially 0n MEN. The men we have met thr0ugh0ut our days. M0st are the wr0ng 1s it seemed. And my Babes said that ive shut d0wn ever since! Hmph.. What they said, it is true! I w0nt deny it! I rather shut d0wn my heart than open it up to th0se fuckers out there!
H0nestly, year 2008, its the beginning, i taught myself to believe.. Believe in what? Anything that i need to believe in.. Hard indeed for me to let myself started believing... Am still need m0re time th0ugh..
I ended the night, flyin high in the sky. Pity Filipin0 got sc0lded. Emo plak gue! Erk.. Nway my two Babes, next weekend buka umah aku okie? Aku masak pl0v. Lame tak memasak. Might l0se the magic t0uch for c0oking.. Aiyark..
1 comment:
i love you too!!!
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