Oh my god! My hair has gr0wn so gila this time. It has bec0ming THE LI0N KING. Aiyark.. Super kembang. Plus the curls are t0o curly. Remind me of ME when i was two or three years old. My hair was super curly. Huhu.. N0w the hair is gr0wing healthily, with0ut any chemicals. Thanks to the olive oil hair wax. Me hair kinda thicker t0o. If n0t, rambut aku mcm b0tak jugak! Huhu..
An0ther thing that c0mes acr0ss my mind n0w.. I cann0t ch0pch0p me hair til next year. Ini adalah PERJANJIAN OGOS 2008, between Shawrty and Jawrty. We have pr0mised each other that we both w0nt fuckin ch0pch0p the hair til 1st Jan 2009. Erk.. G0nna be hard i supp0sed.. Well, it has been a traditi0n-like, when JIWA KACAU, we g0ing to ch0pch0p the hair. Main reas0n- get rid of all th0se bad lucks, jinx, curse, etc.. Especially when men are em0ti0nally inv0lved, wrecking the heart of ours. Damnit.. We w0nt cry for shyts. So, alternatively, ch0pch0p the hair. As for me, i would ch0pch0p the hair as sh0rt as i can. Meaning that, am a b0y again m0de! A way to c0ns0le myself! Benci aku jadi perempuan! If until n0w, i never changed to lady-like, i think, i w0uld be a punkid. EwWw.. No no. I still appreciate MEN, even all time, they hurt me in any ways. I guess, am b0rn to be hurt. Erk.. Dah dah.. Emo dah aku ni. Hmph.. Drop the t0pic on MEN. Ruin my m0od! Goddamnit..
Lets c0ntinue ab0ut my shaggy dog hair!
This time, i wanted to keep my hair l0ng. Maybe til my waist. Haha.. N0t sure if i c0uld or n0t. Kn0wing me, no likey to brush,c0mb my hair, at any kind of weather. Ahaha.. N0t lazy, but its just n0t my kind of thang!
If i ch0pch0p me hair bef0re 1st Jan '09, i got to get a handbag as a penalty. Erk.. Same g0es to Shawrty. Eyt! If rambut aku ada kutu babes, h0w? I do need to ch0pch0p it rite? So, no penalty ha? Huhu..
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