Monday, September 29, 2008
JB.. Ere i c0me....

Me h0me. Migrane. Too tired. So much to do at work. Havnt start packing. Oh my god! The w0rse, i havnt gt my salary. Damnit.. So frustrated! Rang H0TS, they said, 2m0ro m0rning will gt da m0ney! Argh..
Kek lapis swk mama i hvnt take. H0w? M0ney zilch, n0ll, nada nada..
Aku tensi0n memang tensi0n tahap satan!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Me baju raya

Aiyark.. Its blue. Huhu.. My mama bought for me. I saw small printed flowers on the baju there. Erm.. I d0nt like the c0lor. Never w0rn blue. I wanted orange but mama said, hard to find orange baju kurung, unless baju kawin. Ahh.. Bodo.. Baju kawin buat pe! Ceit..
Me off sat n sun. Again, got my period. Hate this time of the m0nth. 2 days in bed. Bleeding a river. Waaa.. Yucky yucky eww..
Cant wait to go JB 0N Tues m0rning with me sis via lcct at 8am. Taxi g0n c0me at 5.30am. C0st me 80bucks ok. Ive told mama to get ready all the things for me to c0ok. Yayy!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Birthday My Babyb0o.

I alm0st f0rg0t.
Its my bel0ved baby br0ther's 17th birthday t0day!
As usual, the dug0ng bunchet, he asked for bday pwesent. N0 n0.. Me w0nt give u any shyts til u sh0w yr exam result. He is t0o pampered. T0o manja. Huhu..
I w0nt deny,
The love i have for him is t0tally bey0nd paradise. This is 0ne l0ve that keeps me alive and breathing everyday! I cant imagine n0t having him ar0und. Ive been missing Helmy.. Last i saw him, early Aug. But never got to spend time with him. Same g0es to Ferra Demiuk.
I miss my sisters and br0ther! Unc0nditi0nal l0ve am0ng US! L0ve and hate relati0nship!
To Muhammad Helmi Hishamuddin,
God bless u my brother!
Amin. . .
Sleepy time. . .

I knew who that AHN! Aiyark.. He called me earlier tonight. I was sh0cked to kn0w the AHN is HIM! Erk.. I was right about AHN that he is new 0n the fl0or. We were talking 0n the ph0ne f0r quite s0metimes. Erm.. M0re than an h0ur. Then AHN insisted to make video call. So we ended up viewing each other. Haha.. I never saw him bef0re til Ramadhan r0ster started 0n 1st Sept. I n0ticed him cause he was very r0ugh, j0king, playing ar0und with his gals c0lleague. If he dares to do that to me, memang aku ter0s tampar! But then, 1st time, i heard his v0ice 0n the ph0ne, ada jugak s0ft side dia ni. Nway, i t0ld him off, N0T to be r0ugh t0wards w0men! Gurau kasar tu! Isk.. Aku yg angin tgk he did th0se. Aish..
The funniest part, he admitted that he has been admiring me f0r quite s0metimes! Ahahaha.. * evil laugh *
Aku geli. Geli geli. Aduss.. Mayday mayday.. I t0tally cant handle this! Told AHN that n0w, am GENDER C0NFUSED! I like beautiful w0men better than i like men! He was n0t happy though with my w0rds! What to do.. Unf0rtunately, the dumb me, I have liked s0me0ne but he fucking ign0red me! So l0ng i havent had feeling of liking s0me0ne.. Afta Solom0n Mbingu.. And again, MAN shattered me heart. So n0w, me fuckin heartless pers0n! Fucked the shyt! Lemme venture by liking w0men! S0rry ma two babes, Shawrty and Azzy, h0pe you b0th still love me as I AM.....
I love you b0th the m0st...
[aku emo. Ntah pe kes. Babi. Pms? Mayb? Or?]
H0me sweet h0me

I cant wait to get h0me. So tired. Sleep. So much to do at w0rk. Kak Melati sent me to CRU. Gosh.. Ive been assigned to clear the wipbin.
So many cases. Erk.. With the sl0west internet collecti0ns ever. D0nt think i could even cleared 10 cases. So many. T0o many. Aiyark..
Ms. Krasavitsja came to me. I miss l0oking at him though. Hes so beautiful. Hmph.. Too g0od to be true.. He was smiling, giggling away beside me, asking me many things. Havent gt time to really get to kn0w him. Maybe s0meday..
Gala Ramadhan SCC

Food festival. Huhu.. The day we have been waiting for. So much of f0od. Rice. Mi h0on. Kuih muih. Lauk pauk. Dessert. Lots m0re to jot d0wn.
Me wearing my purple printed s0ngket. Hate the material. All the g0lden thread started c0ming out. I just can pull it. Well, am g0ing to thr0w the baju kurung then. Off you go..
Owh.. I saw that RED HAIRED byatch. Again! We were bitching about her, thru0ut the time. That kind of w0man, should just rape her and she would kn0w, n0t everyday is a better day.
30th Oct, 8am my flight to JB with Elyn. Ive b0oked the taxi at 5.30am. C0st me 80bucks to LCCT. Damnit.. Cant wait to go back. I miss c0oking! So many recipes am g0ing to prepare for the c0ming Eid. Again, F0OD FESTIVAL .. ! Esp. Kerala prawn and my 'rumput' fruit punch. Hehe.. Rumput pun tapi sedap! Eh.. N0t rumput ok. Its ch0pped c0riander leave. Haha..
Ive received internal e-mails today. Fr0m wh0m? Who kn0ws? I was so darn busy today, coaching few pe0ple fr0m fish tank. Bl0ody tired. I like to do the w0rk myself. Hmph.. Nway, back to the internal emails. I saw the name. N0pp, aint familiar at all. Must be the new face 0n the flo0r. Well, i replied the mails. And we were like, chatting in a way. He emailed. I replied. He emailed again. I did ask ar0und but no 1 seemed to kn0w that name AHN. Aish.. Secret admirer as he wr0te. Gosh.. I feel as if, me in sch0ol. Ahaha.. Whatever... Lets see who that, AHN.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008

Im ready to bed. Its 10.20pm. Shawrty just sms me. Shes at w0rk. Yeah.. We MAXISians, g0tta w0rk at any time even h0w inc0nvinience it is.. Survival~
Filipin0 sms me.
Cehh.. I rang you, never answered. C0nfirm tido mati. Huhu.. K k.. U r f0rgiven for aband0ning me! Next time, ap0l0gizes w0nt be accepted! Aite?
I was supp0sed to go buka with Shawrtys parents. So s0wwy babe! Me slept off! Huhu.. I guess, ive missed the buffet. Erk.. Nway, my regards to M0mmy and Uncle Police ya?
Ive new fwen n0w. Fwen for dinner. Ahaha.. Say Holla to Mr. J. Yeah.. Just make sure u be nice to me ya? If n0t, i w0nt hesitate to spank u weally hard! Ehehe.. Kudos to the fwenship! Same goes to Mr. M0on! The m0re fwens ive, the merrier it seems.. Aite?
I was smsing with Mr. Z fr0m 12midnite til 3am+ yesterday. I was amazed coz he was n0t asleep. Hmph.. T0tally past your bedtime,darls.. I told him that ive liked him! Hihi.. Kakla kakla.. Lantak kau la how to react. Ive d0ne my part. :-S
Then, adakah, he wanted 3sum, me included in the package? Aiyark.. S0wy! Me n0t into 3sum! Fucking cr0wded,man! Plus, how could i handle it, letting an0ther w0man, t0uchin u all over, rite in fr0nt me eyes? Aish.. Jeal0us aku! Huk3.. Ah.. Told him if he really wanted IT for his birthday in Oct, i shall get the w0men f0r him then, and ME so n0t in the picture! Okai? Liking s0me0ne n0w.. Hmph.. C0mplex~
2m0wo after w0rk, me g0ing to meet Kak Ieta at MYDIN,Subang. Lots to catch up though. Been two weeks i havent seen her and the others. Hmph.. I do miss them all! Partners in crime! Hehe.. Cant wait to see y'all 2m0wo. Zariq, tunggu aku weih! Lame tak bully lu! Ahaha..
Me miss Jb so much! Argh..
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Shaggy dog hair of mine

Oh my god! My hair has gr0wn so gila this time. It has bec0ming THE LI0N KING. Aiyark.. Super kembang. Plus the curls are t0o curly. Remind me of ME when i was two or three years old. My hair was super curly. Huhu.. N0w the hair is gr0wing healthily, with0ut any chemicals. Thanks to the olive oil hair wax. Me hair kinda thicker t0o. If n0t, rambut aku mcm b0tak jugak! Huhu..
An0ther thing that c0mes acr0ss my mind n0w.. I cann0t ch0pch0p me hair til next year. Ini adalah PERJANJIAN OGOS 2008, between Shawrty and Jawrty. We have pr0mised each other that we both w0nt fuckin ch0pch0p the hair til 1st Jan 2009. Erk.. G0nna be hard i supp0sed.. Well, it has been a traditi0n-like, when JIWA KACAU, we g0ing to ch0pch0p the hair. Main reas0n- get rid of all th0se bad lucks, jinx, curse, etc.. Especially when men are em0ti0nally inv0lved, wrecking the heart of ours. Damnit.. We w0nt cry for shyts. So, alternatively, ch0pch0p the hair. As for me, i would ch0pch0p the hair as sh0rt as i can. Meaning that, am a b0y again m0de! A way to c0ns0le myself! Benci aku jadi perempuan! If until n0w, i never changed to lady-like, i think, i w0uld be a punkid. EwWw.. No no. I still appreciate MEN, even all time, they hurt me in any ways. I guess, am b0rn to be hurt. Erk.. Dah dah.. Emo dah aku ni. Hmph.. Drop the t0pic on MEN. Ruin my m0od! Goddamnit..
Lets c0ntinue ab0ut my shaggy dog hair!
This time, i wanted to keep my hair l0ng. Maybe til my waist. Haha.. N0t sure if i c0uld or n0t. Kn0wing me, no likey to brush,c0mb my hair, at any kind of weather. Ahaha.. N0t lazy, but its just n0t my kind of thang!
If i ch0pch0p me hair bef0re 1st Jan '09, i got to get a handbag as a penalty. Erk.. Same g0es to Shawrty. Eyt! If rambut aku ada kutu babes, h0w? I do need to ch0pch0p it rite? So, no penalty ha? Huhu..
Cupcake in Acti0n

So small me eyes? Wots up gal? U alwite? Ahaha.. The answer would be, n0pp, me n0t alwite at all. Aish..
Open up yr eyes! Get up! Walk to the kitchen!
Dahla weih.. Jangan seksa aku! Gue memang tak larat dah! The w0rld is upside d0wn. Erk.. Penin penin pala aku! Bagi lagi aku cupcake! Dah k0ng dah aku ni..
My Wify Galfwen&hubby

Gotch b0th on camera. AwWw.. Sho shweet you b0th. Manja~ hehe.. Well, ere i pwesent y'all my laling galfwen, Mrs. Azi and her beloved hubby, Mr. Panjang.. It has been three m0nths they got married. Hows the marriage life? Owh.. I did remember, Shawrty babe, asked Panjang, a milli0n d0lar questi0n. Hihi..
" apa yg buat kau decide Azi is the 0ne? " . . .
Jawap Panjang, jangan tak jawap! Hehe.. Even aku tengah flyin with0ut wings, me still alert, apa tengah berlaku surr0unding me. Aish..
L0oking at Azi, smiling away, happily having her m0st bel0ved beside her, makes me overj0y! God bless US all~ an0ther j0urney for Azi to sail off... You be fine, my wify galfwen!
To Azi, thank u for ajar aku buat baby p0ya! I mean p0piah. Easier p0ya! Hehe.. Erm.. Sowwy ya, aku dah bantai half of the serunding daging tu, 0nce me h0me. Erk.. Ahahaha.. Ma bad.. Bagi lagi aku 'cupcake'. Kan dah aku jadi beng0ng, super sl0w. Dahla aku tak sehat lagi. Aish.. N0w kena bagi immune aku jadi str0nger. Hmph..
Shawrty, ingat masa turun tangga? Haha..
* d0ink d0ink d0ink *
Bergegar dunia ek? Naseb aku tak jat0h tangga. Padan muka aku, pakai gladiat0r sandal tak bet0l. Huhu..
Kak Ieta just msg me. I miss her! I miss them all. Hmph.. I c u pe0ple 2m0wo ya! Me pw0mise! Okie? To Ujang, am s0rry! Will explain when i c u! Erhm..
The Best Galfwens

Happy Birthday Panjang! Smart OLD 26th.. Hehe.. Next m0nth, would be Mrs. Panjang's birthday. Well, even how busy we are in our daily life, we still managed to find s0me times for the three of US to chill out together. Azi prepared nasi impit, sambal g0reng, kari ayam, sambal kerang, and sam0sa for buka puasa at her house. Thank you for the yummy f0od! While Shawrty and I, went to bazar ramadhan to get few kuih muih. T0o bad the L0PES finished already. We b0ught karipap kentang and daging, p0ya and k0p0k leko. Gosh.. So much of f0od but we managed to eat it all. Haha..
We chit chatted 0n many t0pics. Especially 0n MEN. The men we have met thr0ugh0ut our days. M0st are the wr0ng 1s it seemed. And my Babes said that ive shut d0wn ever since! Hmph.. What they said, it is true! I w0nt deny it! I rather shut d0wn my heart than open it up to th0se fuckers out there!
H0nestly, year 2008, its the beginning, i taught myself to believe.. Believe in what? Anything that i need to believe in.. Hard indeed for me to let myself started believing... Am still need m0re time th0ugh..
I ended the night, flyin high in the sky. Pity Filipin0 got sc0lded. Emo plak gue! Erk.. Nway my two Babes, next weekend buka umah aku okie? Aku masak pl0v. Lame tak memasak. Might l0se the magic t0uch for c0oking.. Aiyark..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Shawrty

Yummy raspberry creamy cake. I had a bit. N0t really in the m0od to eat. My st0mach is still killing me. Damnit.. Whats wr0ng with my b0dy system? It seems like g0ing caput day by day. Erm.. I cant wait to quit the j0b. Wait til i got to further my studies. H0pe by end of this year, i c0uld.. I am n0t happy, ever since i g0t to c0me back to Malaysia f0r g0od. Theres a missing piece in ME! Ive tried so hard to stay happy even deep inside me, all fucking raptured! What would make me happy again? I h0pe i kn0w the answer...
Friday, September 12, 2008
Movie marath0n

Me having bad diarrhea. Must be the baked spinach with cheese. My st0mach cramped. I v0mitted. Was fasting but, batal already. Erk.. N0w h0me, 0n the s0fa. Been g0ing to t0ilet again and again. Oh n0o.. Me ass damn painful. Aiyark.. I put D0OMSDAY 0n. I didnt watch it since was in bathr0om m0st of the time.
Ive been sick a l0t this year. I guess, since me started w0rking, my b0dy seemed cant cope with the drastic changes. Plus my w0rking h0urs are out of mind. I am restless all time. So lethargic.. Am i dying? Ah.. D0nt b so melodramatic, Syezz.. U aint dying! Give it a lil bit m0re time to adjust with the so-called changes. Adapt and ad0pt..
Happy Birthday Shawrty Babe! Sweet OLD 26th! Welc0me to the club! Yehaa~ nway, h0pe u enj0yed yr aglio olio yesterday. I enj0yed my dinner alrite! Erk.. Pity me me.. Me so wasted t0day...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ukrainskaya kniga

Yayy~ ive got a b0ok to read n0w. Thank you to you Shawrty Babe. She has given me a b0ok which remind me so much of UKRAINE. The title also s0unds a wee bit dodgy - A SHORT HISTORY OF TRACTORS IN UKRAINIAN.. I guess after translated fr0m Russian to English, thats where the s0und of it arised.. Well, let me read it. Then i would elaborate m0re 0n it ya?
By the way, after work, Shawrty rang. So, decided to wait for her at her house area. I stopped at ESSO, transfered RM700 to Sharizan's acc0unt. Erk.. She's the TUAN KHEMAH, i mean the owner of the house i live in n0w. Very late already to pay the rent. What to do, ive fallen sick. My ph0ne caput. Lost her no. Lucky i f0und Kalai's name card so rang her up to get Sharizan's num. So, 0ne-thing-to-do is d0ne!
While waiting for Babe, i thought of Gwumpy. Rang him up. He still unwell. Both of us g0tta l0ok after our health ha! Huhu.. Shawrty arrived. We went to the bazar Ramadhan. Pesta makanan! Ahaha..apa lagi. Mcm2 aku beli. Erk.. D0nt tell my mama! Mati aku kena bebel berpesta makanan! Aiyark.. I bought nasi dagang ikan t0ngk0l, ayam percik, lopes, kuih puteri salad, poya, and erm.. I forg0t.. Hahaha.. C0me 0n! Am n0t that piggy ya! G0nna share with others t0o! Tapi aku rasa, m0st of it gua yang bantai. Wakaka.. Naa.. I didnt finsh da nasi dagang. N0t nice. The m0st are the kuih muih. Bile lagi nak makan delicacies. Time puasa je la. Oh. Me got kuih tep0ng g0mak but n0t nice so aku buang trus dlm rubbish bin. Byebye! Hehe..
After buka, we (shawrty,et,janet,wan,jawrty,n0t to f0rget, Fluffy and Spartan) watched tv. And Mr. Sn0b sms me. Whatever.. Malas nak pikir pasal kawan aku yang sekor ni. Frust n0nggeng, dia hilang, pastu mer0yan, cakap aku s0mb0ng! Adakah? Gue rase nak tampar je kan! Isk.. Bukan jauh pun, satu office je! Ah.. Persetankan~ oh. Samb0ng pasal tgk tv.
1 after 1 channel we watched, til at this 1 reality sh0w THE M0MENT OF TRUTH. Aish.. I w0nt mind answering all th0se kind of questi0ns. Who kn0ws i might win that USD500K. Haha.. Just g0tta be h0nest! Hehe.. Even g0ing to jeopardise the friendship, or relati0nship, at least, the truth is what u got! Aite? Try me then? ;-)
Topics by topics been bithcin' about. And the m0st interesting t0pic goes to BACK IN SCH0OL TIME. Damn.. 9 years passed already. Erk.. I didnt kn0w how it started but for me, that was part of THE M0MENT OF TRUTH! :-P
Isnt it? N0w i realized how much i have missed sch0ols life. Next year, g0nna hit 10 years! My my~ m0st of the sch0ol friends that still in my thoughts are married. I think, m0re than 5 w0men are pregnant n0w. Hehe.. All m0mmy-to-be.. Time flies so fast.. Ha?¿ still remember in 1998,class 4A, semua tido je keje. Haha.. Br bt0l sleepin beauty. Was i the m0nit0r? Lupe dah aku.. To Ms. R, aku ingat kau tido dlm clz, b0ley mimpi jat0h gaung! Ahahaha.. Hilarious.. Saket per0t ketawa time tu. Mcm2.. To Ms. Et, sowwy ek, gue memg xingt lgsg kau dlm 3RK. Aiyark.. Yeah.. Sch0ol time, i was the anti-s0cial type. Hahahaha.. Believe it or n0t? That time, aku t0mb0y. If i put the pic ere, alamak.. Aku pun tak ngaku tu gamba aku! Wakakaka.. Tgk la, if i gt to find a few, then i shall upl0ad here. The ME ME, BEF0RE and AFTER! Hihi.. Ada pengsan agaknye u all tgk th0se pics. Owh.. To Ms. Shawrty Babe, i remember 2RK. When i hated u the m0st. Isk.. Memg benci a kowkow nye. ' GALS, PLZ KP YR M0UTH SHUT '.. Dia b0ley tulis kt papan hitam. Ceit.. Gilenye eksyen. Memg t0k mawas a time tu kan. Nape a aku xbantai kau mase tu. I think, that time yr weight 20kg. Kahkahkah.. Nyesal dah skang ni. Cruel intenti0ns kan? See.. As i said, THE M0MENT OF TRUTH. B-) well, Shawrty just rang me. Told her that s0metimes, we should gather SIGSians, class of 99. We could sit, and chit chatting bout our days at SIGS. Who kn0ws, we might find s0mething new! The l0st secrets and treasures~
Owh.. I got a sms fr0m Mr. Z.
Hes alive. Thats 0ne thing i kn0w! Gud that u r still out there! I kn0w u bz. Okie? Am still ere, sick and dying..
Bef0re i f0rg0t, thank you to RBS for the c0mment. Appreciate that! Yeah.. U rite. It is expensive n0w the cigarettes. But then, back in NZ, I did pay NZ$12 for a pack of DUNHILL 20. D0esnt make any different though, for a chain sm0ker like me! Haha.. Well, s0mething cr0ssed my mind when RBS came in the picture. Yeah.. I remember RBS told me bout a year ago, when i asked him.
RBS answered,
' cause YOU are the SEC0ND ch0ice ' .. !
Perfecto answer! Thank you Uncle for sharing the info with me! At least n0w, when i enc0untered with that kind of man, i kn0w h0w to resp0nse! Tak payah nak buang masa aku! Kan, Uncle, snang kan? Hehe.. This is 0ne special uncle i ever had! The meanest t0o! Adakah bg gamba raspberry cheese cake SECRET RECIPE for my bday last year! Isk.. Takkan aku lupa la wey! I remember
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My bed is waiting for me! Thank you to my Mamyta and Papi, for getting me the mattress. Me birthday pwesent.. Hehe.. N0w i can sleep properly. Oh.. I like the bedsheet though. Ops... Gonna get m0re of c0lorful bedsheet. K then. Am off to bed. So heavy my head. Still unwell. If cant wake up for work, i w0nt go. Fuck the shyt! Arghh... Go0d night all..
Monday, September 8, 2008
So cr0ok ... Me comatos

Me got sick again. It has been more than a week ive fallen sick. My nose blocked. Runny n0se. I hardly can breathe. Been sneezing non stop. Macam nak tercabot dah hidung.. My head, so heavy. Feeling dizzy.
When i woke up, my body temperature was high. Straight i ran towards the fridge to get ice. I was shivering even the sun was shining so brightly outside. I just stayed in bed, with small t0wel c0vered with c0ld ice water on me f0rehead. At that m0ment, i started to get h0mesick. I miss my mama! :'( and there u go, my mama rang me! I knew, she could hear me say al0ud her name! 0nce i heard her voice, i started to cry. Gosh.. How would i be, without her? I was in tears throughout the c0nversations with mama. Am a bad daughter in a way! Ive made her w0rried about me being so crook since last weekend. She decided to come over to check on me. Oh n0o.. I stopped her since Helmy needs to go to sch0ol, plus mama has to manage her time between family and her m0ther, who lives on her own after the great loss of me grandpa in March.. Tragical..
I slept off til 6.40pm. SMS fr0m Sharwty Babe the 0ne make me awake. Oh. Time for buka. I have n0thing to break the fast. Rushed to the kitchen, i prepared fried rice with anch0vies and egg. I had a bit. No appetite. Then, i felt so yucky yucky.. Nausea.. Ran to bathr0om, i v0mitted. Byebye fried rice~
My b0dy temperature g0ne up again. I could feel the heat, especially ar0und my eyes. Its like, 0n fire, burning.. I didnt feel go0d at all. Mama rang again. Shes so sick w0rried about me. Again, i cried when i heard her v0ice.
Off me go to the clinic nearby me house.
Dr. Ng saw me, pale, c0ughing.. She straight asked me to go inside. My temp. 39.8. If aku baby, dah kena fit dah. Erk. . Dr. Ng gave me 2 jabs on me ass. Oucchh... She advised me n0t to take c0ld+sweet things. She said, my coughing s0unds m0re likely having br0nchitis. Erk.. Am a sm0ker. She d0esnt kn0w that! Huhu.. If she kn0ws, for sure aku kena tupe,bebel,nag... Aiyark.. Clinic bill came to RM120. Last week visit was RM80. Total=RM200. My salary g0ing to KO! Dr. Ng said if in 2 days time, i still n0t rec0vered, ive to be admitted to the h0spital. Alamak.. Apa pulak ni~
I went h0me straight. Oh. There was an accident between a taxi and a BMW car at the Shell. Whatever.. I just want to get h0me.. 0nce h0me, i washed up.
Filipino SMS me,
I didnt reply. No mo0d! I watched PEPAYA. D0zing off.. Damnit.. Mr. Vampire SMS me pulak. I forgot to off or silence the ph0ne. I replied his SMS, telling him that am n0t well. Msg u 2m0wo. He replied back that hes about to leave the house for work at Kajang area. Yeah.. Crimes start after 12midnight.
Good luck to you Mr. Vampire.. Be careful! Bad pe0ple so over p0pulated n0wadays! Just grab your gun, KILL KILL DIE DIE !
Owh.. I w0nder, what happened to Mr. Z. Yo mate! U alrite there? Hws yr visa card? Shop 0nline dy? Oh. D0nt forget about the robot u menti0ned yesterday, that u g0ing to purchase it next m0nth.. Order in advanced okie?
Well, how cr0ok me n0w, never st0pped me fr0m updating my bl0g. Bising lagi deary friends of mine, if tak update blog. D0nt w0rry.. Ive my precious n0w. Sure g0nna update daily.
I mamam me medicine. Tercekik cekik aku swall0wed its all.. M0re than 10 tablets. Erk.. So n0w, am ready to say spakoinin0ci all.. Gute nacht.. Slamat malam.. Gudnite..
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Puasa+demam m0de

Am home. Waiting for my baby sis. Shes on the way to my house. I thought shes in JB,but shes at h0me,tido mati!adakah?
Owh.. Hist0ry created today! Am fasting! Believe me or n0t? Me half way KO! N0t because n0 f0od,water,but cigarette. Me clique at work was happy cause me fasting. Adakah? Me twying hard ere! Erk.. Nway, it 4.30pm, and am still standing. Yeah.. Surviving~
Work was ok. N0t much to do. So, am just there, chit chatting with the pe0ple there. Oh my.. Ms. Krasavitsa came to me. I was like, damn, perempuan chantek dekat dgn aku ni.. He came to talk to me for a while. Gosh.. Tall.. Never n0ticed that. 1st time i got to see him in pers0n, face to face. A plus isnt it? Beautiful, tall, sweet smile! Aish.. C0mplete!
Me watching tv. M0st likely, tv g0ing to watch me s0on. D0zing off.. Owh.. I saw my dunhill. Oh n0o.. Run and hide.. Erk..
Puasa .. .. ..
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Jiwa kacau

Biting the nails~
I put 0n weight. Goddamnit. Is it my fault? Oh n0o... Ive st0pped myself fr0m d0ing the thing i f0nd of - COLOURING - ...
I am Samantha J0nes.. What a w0man!? W0nt deny that! Hell yeah.. Am sick and tired of IT! At the same time, i want IT so the badly! S0mething st0p me s0meh0w.. Hmph.. St0pping y0urself fr0m d0ing what you used to do, it is hurtful. Painful. What should i do then? St0p f0rever? 0r, start it all over again?
The Thang

I slept off after got home from work. Am 'fasting' in a way. Huhu.. Still the time of the month. Anyway, work was fine. Not much to do. Kukie was not at work. Oh. I bumped into 'perempuan chantek'. Cayer aku cayer.. Erk.. Lesbian kah aku? Aish.. Ms. Krasavitsa HIS name. HIS? Yeah.. Gender confused.. Akukah? -identity crisis- aiyark.. Even the men said, HE is beautiful.. Huhu.. Well, lets see whats going to happen, whether me could win HER. Ahaha.. Am the man, ha?¿ hihi.. Sggh beng0ng aku ini~
Filipino's cousin, Mr. LP, rang me at 3.45am. Damnit.. Disturb my sleepy time. He wanted to c0me over. Are u nuts? Me w0rk at 7am. Argh.. Insanity.. I will c0mplaint to Filipin0. U d0nkey, disturbed me again n again til 5.30am. Me g0nna be cranky..
Gals hang out day. Happy hour! Erk.. No no, i mean, buka puasa together. Went to Shawrtys. Fluffy demiuk saw me fr0m the balc0ny as he was standing there, observing the outer world. So sweet of u,demiuk, waited for me at the main d0or. Aish.. Am the cat-walker! Ahaha.. T0ok fluffy out for a walk,while waiting for the other two babes of mine. OMG! The 'satanist' whity male cat was there! Off you go, my slippers i threw towards the satan. Fluffy was so scared and stayed under the car alm0st 30mins. At last, br0ught him in.. Hes n0t happy, i kn0w..
The night alm0st d0ne. I did s0mething that intolerable. Ive pr0mised myself n0t to mingle with IT.. And to the Lord, i surrender.. Am s0rry god! Am s0rry m0mma! Forgive me for being such a shmuck! Pr0mised made. And again, br0ken pr0mise... Truba.. Takou veweu, ja He m0gy terbjat!
Friday, September 5, 2008
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