Thank God It's Friday !
I had been procrastinating to clean my house. If not mistaken, last i cleaned it thoroughly about two weeks ago. I was not lazy but ive been working like hell-knows! Each day of my life now, seemed so precious. Thats why i started to cherish it by starting to blog again! I wanted everyday would be a mem0ry that remains in me forever..
I shall start with a friend that has gone for summer vacation with her family - AZRAIETA.
K. Ieta is in Austria now with the family. I bet Markus is the one who overjoyed to be back home! Many years he hasnt gone back there! HOME SWEET HOME .. !
Yeah.. I was away from Malaysia too! Can understand whats tripping inside.. As for both my lyttle babyboys, Alieff and Mika Aaron, they must be head over heels to be back in their hometown. Aufwidersehen! (",)
I decided to prepare dinner. Totally had enough eating outside. Expensive+not tastylicious.. I had my lunch with Arief at Jaring anyway. We chit-chatted and i found out, many of our batch have quit! I am sad to hear that! Even at times, i do contemplate whether to continue venturing the new life of mine being MAXIS-ian or otherwise i just put a dot at it?!?!
¤ nomogi mHe ¤
Ja Hanuwy Sharwty coobweHue eclu oHa xo4ut noy*uHat co mHou. I text Sharwty if she wants to have dinner at my house. And there you go, kak buctpa oHa omBe4ala. She replied in a second, YES! So, me started preparing the dinner - stirfry black pepper chicken with veggies+egg+rice. Simple yet tasty.. Hehe..
As i waited for her-royal highness to arrived, :-P
i rang Elynn, my sister. We talked about my severe periodpain+fibriods :'( , and her bday outing at Sunway Lagoon. At least, i did make her smile. She is still my sister after all. Even shes giving me headache at times with her-being-her.. Well, three of US- Elynn, Sharwty & Me, are going to Sunway Lagoon. Lets get wet+burn.. Haha..
Sharwty arrived and we had our dinner. She brought two movies- P/S: I LOVE YOU and EASTERN PROMISE. Oh dear! The 1st movie really touches my heart. You people should watch it. Its about the love of a dying husband, who has written letters to his wife and once hes gone, all the letters would be sent to her in many ways! My tears are all over me! :-(
As for the second movie, takou film ja mak lybly - russian movie, of course me luv it! Me russian at heart already! Ma bad! Haha :-*
owh.. Sharwty, after u left, me watched again the movie, two more times!
While watching the russian movie, i was totally down under memory lane! God! How much I missed my life back in Ukraine! All the friends i had and lost, the memories in Simferepol, Zaparhozhe, Kharkov, Kiev, etc.., how could i just forget its all! Living in a x-USSR country, really has taught me a lot about LIVING! Therefore, i promise, ja k Bam bygy v gocmu! Dau mHe Bpemja! I would returned to Ukraine one day! Its a HOME already! Hmph.. As im jotting these down, me truly in my memory lane!
^ Stop torturing yourself, Syezzacka.. ^
Arghh.. Im tortured alright! :-S
My my.. Its 6am+ already. I have been playing DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE game on me phone! This is one hell of addiction that i just couldnt resist! I am a gamer! Haha.. Well, i need new game i guess! Finished the chapters already!
Me crave for puree! Sharwty, wake me up! Lets have breakfast together! Puree puree!
As for me here, am drifted to my memory lane back in YKPAUHA!
YkpauHa, ja no vam cky4ajy!
go cBugaHua!
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