We the people of Smarty Pants! :-P
Thanks Cupee for arranging everything for us! Thats the spirit! Keep it up! Nway, this guy really could eat! Seriously, i was shocked to see Cupee whacked all the f0od. He even was the Oscar the rubbish bin! Haha.. Sesame Street character. Yupp yupp.. I wished i could eat that much and dont put 0n weight! Yeah rite.. I think i just put an0ther 2kg tonight! Erk..
Mrs. Kikie-to-be..
Hope i could attend your wed recepti0n 0n the 9th Aug. Lets see how it g0es.. W0rking 0n that Saturday! Aiyark.. If can swap shift, would be great! Aiyaiyai..
Last but n0t least, the LADY BOSS - Kak Melati.
Thank you for the bday cake! Oh.. Me remember me pw0mised you DAIM. Okie.. Choc DAIM i mean. N0t Daim Zainuddin. Who that by the way? Kak, sape itu orang? U yg sebot name dia. Hehe..
She has been a great Lady Boss. Thank you for your guidances! Me still beng0ng with the job! Huhu.. Hope me g0nna impr0ve!
* finger crossed *
Me had a g0od time dined out with me SMARTY PANTS team. Hope we would have m0re outings after this! C0me 0n pe0ple! Co operate! :-P
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