Pee-kaa-boo !
I like that stars! Cute lil thingy.
So, as ive promised, there you go, my bags collection Part |.. Others are in the box still. Some in JB. Yeah.. Its everywhere.. Erk..
Its not am not treasuring it. But then, ive been m0ving ar0und. N0w in Sunway. Please.. No m0re 'pindah randah'! Totally had en0ugh. Hmph.. I hope, if next time, g0tta m0ve, it'd be, m0ving in with !The 0ne'! Eeee.. Geli pulak aku! Yucks.. Mushy mushy as Sharwty babe! Haha..
Me home n0w. Brought Fluffy demiuk for a walk. An hour OK? Gosh.. This phatty bumbum really bullied me. I was sweating a river. Sticky. Yucky yucky..
Fluffy, stop running ar0und! Aiyaiyai.. So active! Hmph.. It was a good exercise for me in a way. As Mr. Z said,burn the calories! :-D eheh..
Was at Pan Bakery. Had beef and c0rnbeef omelette sandwhich plus starfruit juice. Perfecto meal! Thats what i needed! As for ma peeps,Sharwty and Shahril had rice with veg and sweet sour chicken. Me curi a bit.. Hehe..
Hmph.. Me very fussy n0wadays.
Oh owWw.. Its Gwumpy's disease! Erk.. Me c0ntaminated! Oh my oh my!
*sowwy gwumpy!*
It is c0ntagi0us! Ive to seek for help! No g0od pr0l0nging this habit of being fussy+ch0osy when it c0mes to f0od!
Syezz.. Whats have g0tten in2 YOU?
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