The momenta that ive been waiting for ages. Sex And The City The Movie Primiere. How many years ive been obsessed with the series, season 1-6. And at last, the movie is the answer for everything.. Is it a happy ending for Carrie and Mr. Big. Samantha and Smith The Hunk. Charlotte and Harry. Miranda and Steve. ? ?
Are four of them remain as Best Friends forever eternally? Are they have jumped from c0nfused to c0nfusi0n? Frenemies with married women? Do they need distance to stay close? Are their man they ch0se, are just n0t into them? So many questi0ns...
The best of all,i got to watch it with me best galfwen-Sharwty Babe. T0o bad Mrs. Azzy-Luzzy didnt manage to be with us. N0t to f0rget, the other two ladies, Mary and Ity. We did enj0y the m0vie. Mixed up feeling while watching it. The laughters, the tears, the joy.. Gosh.. I knew it,
Mr. Big gonna blew it! That type of people, i dont have to elaborate for m0re coz i am Mr. Big myself! Am i? Haha.. Complicated kind of people we are. We know what we want but we in denial of the consequences that we gonna face. So, to avoid such crack situation, we run away!
As i was watchin the m0vie with Sharwty beside me, me was smsing with Mr. Z. You should tag al0ng,darls.. I told Mr. Z that i was crying. And he said that he didnt understand WHY?! Babyb0y, its a gal thing! Thats why you n0 understand~ Yeah.. The part when Mr. Big walked away from Carrie 0n their wedding day, the tears started. Sharwty cried t0o. Oh dear.. To0 much to handle. Gosh..
To be c0ntinued ..
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