Oh noo..
How i could say NO to those tastylicious cuppy cake?! So attempted to whack it all at once. Oh oww... Me in danger state! Hey dollz! Come on! You need those creamy+colorful+ .,. to cheer you up! Forget about the kilos what-so-ever...
Way before that, I was on the phone with Mr. Z. 1st time heard his voice. Hmph.. He sounded quite a serious type though! Are you,Mr. Z? :-P We were just chatting about everything that crossed the thoughts. Owh.. For all these while,i thought he was younger than me! And guess what-we at the same age-golden age. Haha :-* nway,hes still younger than me by months. A Libra babyboy! Owh yupp yupp.. Another thing i got to find out about Mr. Z, he shared the same birthday date with my Daddy, 17th Oct.. Ey you deawy fwen,lets party with my daddy ya!Haha..
*wishful thinking me dad g0nna have bday bash* ..
Me promised Fluffy Cat a.k.a demiuk, to take him for a walk tomorrow. Okie my darlin boy, me shall take you alryte? Janji janji!
^finger crossed^
Whenever i was at Sharwtys, he would sit by the door, waiting for me to take him outside. Fluffy, me cant take you at night time! Okie,baby?
`whats wrong with me,talking to animal`
As for my frustration, he did reply my email and apologized.. Well, apologized is not accepted!! as for now, Richard..
You hurt me feeling darn too much! Give me some time to cool off a bit.. Give us time a break, AGAIN!! You are so moody! Hmph..
QA STAR AWARD.. Me got it! Everything paid off! A month in SMART TEAM, me did it! Hoping would get more often the award so after a year, i'd get bonus! Triple maybe!-? Yippie!! You go,gal!
Now movie marathon...
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