Hye all!
It has been few days since last I updated my blog. Time seemed not enough at all! Well, I have been sleeping at h0me whole day yesterday-Saturday. Didnt go anywhere.
'hibernation mode' ..
It was Azy's wedding at K. Sgor. Very sorry couldnt make it, Puan Azy! Memang plan nak balik JB. Keje melambak. Balik lambat. Plan cancel! Sangat penat midnite shift! Arghh..
I slept very late yesterday. Was on the phone with Nadia, 3 hours maybe. Lost count of the time! We were 'bitchin' ar0und. Well babygal, be str0ng! Dont give a damn to that 'ASsHole' ! If only me there, for sure AKU DAH PIJAK PEROT JANTAN TU! :@ :@ :@
By the way, one of the twin - Suhaida just got married. Nadia told me so. Congrats! Gosh.. The last time I saw the three of them: zaida+suhaida+dayah, in 2002 { when me just got back from NZ } .. I wonder, how are they n0w.. Yeah.. Have planned with Nadia, to have gals day out soon!
¿ holla chicas ¿
Owh.. Its Sunday today. I woke up around 11.30AM. Started craving for 'nasi lemak'. Went out to hunt for it-too bad! Lunch time already. Huhu.. Then i watched Ah Long Ptd Limited. So funny.. Me love it!
Sharwty babe rang! I knew it, she was in dreamlandz. Have been messaging her but no reply. Poor you, laling! Gotta climb up the stairs! Sape suruh tak bawak phone! Hahaha :-D
IKEA we went. Furniture shopping? Naaa.. Just l0oking ar0und. Many people! So just like 'pasar malam' .. Me got a lamp-39bucks for the hall. White colour. And actually, it does look scary! Slender+tall+white .. Erk.. :-o freaky! Ive fix it! There you go, as you can see the pic uploaded here! Me likey .. Had our meal at AYAM PENYET! Not bad the food! As Mr. Z said, 'TASTYLICIOUS' ..
Then home we went ...
My family was here today. My 'atok apo' is not well. Hes at Mak Ecah's houz. So, dad decided to go KL to fetch him. Unfortunately, time wasnt enough-AGAIN! I never got to see them! Hmph.. I miss you, people! *sob sob* :'(
Owh.. Went to Video Ez. Wanted to get the SEX AND THE CITY SOUNDTRACK but me ended up, getting m0re- five movies vcd. Ma bad! Its cheap. 4bucks,8bucks,bla bla bla.. Hehe..
Me sleepy now. Have to make sure i didnt doze off! Its Final match tonight EURO 2008, Spain vs Germany.. Kakaya grupa vam nravitcja? ;-)
I think me drifted to heaven knows, bit by bit.. Oh n0o0o.....
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