Me home. Well, as you could see, from the picture, thats my meal for whole day. Enough or not? Should be enough i supposed! My tummy is grumbling! Worst than washing maching! Huhu.. Gastric is attacking me! Erk.. Serve me right then! My meal time is totally out of control. Thank god! My doctor has given me tablet ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE. Yucky yucky chewy tablets! Its not me dont want to take the meal on time! Its the working hours mega fault! Again, blaming the time! Nway,again today GPRS bill disputed RM1447.40 . Claimed that didnt use it while roaming in Australia.. ADAKAH? Just finished chit chatting with my baby sis-Ferra Demiuk. She has bday dnr. How nice?! Pesta makanan for her! Knowing her, for sure, extra indulge tonight! Haha.. My lyttle piggy baby sis! Elynn msg me earlier. How is she? Hmph.. Still worried about her well being! AKU KAKAK!!!
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