The worst weekend of all! Erk.. With swollen patella+puffy panda-ish eyes (sleepless night)+pimples mania+ bla bla bla... :-S Owh! The good news- someone named Vijay msg me yesterday and promised to buzz after dinner. Btw,he is Yan's friend! :-* Erm.. You-MKRS? Whats that? B-) The bad news-my phone batt KO and i didnt realize! So,if he did try to holla,ive lost the opportunity of something something ;-) and if he didnt,then its all good! :-P Sharwty was in Singapore with her siblings. Shopping spree? :-D Awesome.. Too bad,she didnt manage to find my favourite GIGANTIC STRAWBERRY PANDA BISCUITS! :-( Me have been longing for it for a long long time! Nevermind! I will go to the FINE CITY myself and search for it! As for Madame Azzy,shes at her in-laws. Have a great weekend okie? Dont forget the 'sayor mayor'+'telor ayam kg' ( remedy for maintaining SUSUK :-P ). I shall be waiting for those.
Earlier,I was on the phone with Ferra. She was at Danga Bay with parents. Helmy was at home-comatos,after whole day in school,completing his task on the engineering syllabus. Ive been missing JB a lot! Cant wait to get there!
Til then...
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