Oh my my! My house is totally in a big mess! :-S midnight shift is killing me!
Pig sty i'd say! Everything upside d0wn! Aiyaiyai.. I,myself cant take it, seeing 'TWISTER IN THE HOUSE' .. Erk..
If this weekend, me not working, i gotta holla Siti, the Indon cleaning lady to clear up these mess. I just cant do it myself, as for now! Need to adjust back the biological clock.
Owh! My BABE - SHABANA MANEESA SYED NOOR - congatulation to you for receiving DEPARTMENT AWARD! You deserve it, shotty! (",)
<adakah boley MMS pic cert. tu? Aish.. Riak riak >
Keep up the good work! And beware, HOD has noticed your existence!
¿ domestic roaming. Beijing. China. ¿ hahaha..
As for myself, i feel so honoured today! It wasnt a BIG THING but it relates to my work!
Yeah.. Around 3pm+, ive received a phone call fr HR MAXIS. Well, ive been invited to the Hi-Tea with Dr. Sheikh Muzaffar this coming Monday, 30th June 2008. Plus the lady said, if i were the one, people said someone who can speak Russian! Holycow.. Ni yang aku suka, people NOTICE me! Haha.. -publicity murahan as my sis said- ADAKAH?
So shotty babe, lets go together next Monday! :-*
Supper will be provided tonight. Nasi lemak ayam+drinks. Erk.. Me dont think will eat it! Nasi lemak? Early morning? For sure me would fallen asleep in a second! Huhu..
Was bitching on the phone with K.ieta earlier. :-P OH MY GOD! That Mr.B is a married man. The worst of all-the wife just given birth 2nd baby. I was totally shocked to know that he is still married. As far as im concerned,he already divorced. My my my! Men today are so six-feet-under! a 4to vii dumae'te? Kak vii cmogli cgelat tak Ham?
-abis kuar dah russian aku-
I pity Ms. M . She seemed head over heels with Mr. B .. All the best!
. . . . . . 9pm . . . . . .
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