Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fisho time

1st time i tried fish spa. Then,
Mamyta, Dad, Ferra and Elyn j0ined me t0o. Oh my god! The tingling sensati0n, th0se fisho biting, sucking me feet at first, really made me super ticklish. Ahaha.. Me felt like puking. Huhu.. N0t expensive, RM5 for 10mins. Aff0rdable price, for first trial. I ended up 30mins, dangling me feet in the fish tank. Me likey.. Surprisingly, Dad do love it! He did the fisho 45mins. Hehe.. Over ayah aku la plak kan.. Aiyark.. Well, Helmy was wee bit cranky. Yeah.. He is a baby! He was tired of the j0urney jb to kl. Then, seri kembangan, last putrajaya. Pity ma babyb0o.. Vewy vewy cwanky...

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