Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pimples mania - again ...

Am getting sick with my face. Pimples mania. Hating myself.. Again, it started. Damnit.. Me hair n0w super li0n king. Those curls are gr0wing out of c0ntr0l. Me fam was ere f0r the weekend. Had go0d time with them. Dad nevaending st0wy, with the J.CO donut. Helmy played ice skating with his friend. While Elyn and Farra busy settling the new houz at seri kembangan. Mama and Dad- again, THE FISHO FEVER! Especially Dad. He just l0ves the fish spa.

Hard to say g0odbye to them. I miss h0me! Bl0ody h0mesick. I wished i could tag al0ng with them to Jb yesterday. Hmph..

As me j0tting this, me is so lethargic. 1st day perioad, am dead meat. Havent sleep fr yesterday. W0rked til 1am yesterday. And again t0day 7am. Erm..

To Mr. Z,
Told ya so me m0od swing. Kill kill die die m0de. Every m0nth like this. Am suffering alwyte.. U no understand. . . Owh. Hows the gymming g0in 0n there? Hot cute tiit butt ha? I w0nder. .

to the S0ME0NE,
Where the hell is YOU? Cant hate u. Cant luv u. Just cant do anything about U! Nevamind..
Til we meet again. . . . .

~me r0lling 0n s0fa. Saket per0t saket. Sume saket~

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Old Town White Coffee

The three of us. Helmy was at h0me, asleep. Went ar0un bandar sunway, house hunting. F0und few apartments. Hope i c0uld find 0ne within my budget. Cant take it nym0re, walking up the stairs. The worst- i didnt lose weight. Aish.. Tantrums. . . . .

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tata Fisho

L0ok at Mamyta and Dad! They weally like the fish spa. Told them b0th to go for a full sessi0n to the fish spa, 5mins away fr0m me h0uz. Dad g0nna check out the spa tom0rr0w. Am n0t surprised if Dad g0nna be there wh0le day. Go daddy go! Ahaha..

Fisho |||

Oh my oh my!
L0ok at th0se lyttle fisho. Dad said, its baby talapia. Well, who kn0ws¿ hehe.. Am luving it! W0nt mind to do it again and again! So, d0nt miss out the new thang! No harm twying,aite?

Fisho ||

Me leg is under attacked! Mayday mayday! C0nfirm me b0dy t0xic outrage0us. Erk.. Eat eat. Suck it all, fisho.. Byebye to the dead old skin. No need pedicure.

Fisho time

1st time i tried fish spa. Then,
Mamyta, Dad, Ferra and Elyn j0ined me t0o. Oh my god! The tingling sensati0n, th0se fisho biting, sucking me feet at first, really made me super ticklish. Ahaha.. Me felt like puking. Huhu.. N0t expensive, RM5 for 10mins. Aff0rdable price, for first trial. I ended up 30mins, dangling me feet in the fish tank. Me likey.. Surprisingly, Dad do love it! He did the fisho 45mins. Hehe.. Over ayah aku la plak kan.. Aiyark.. Well, Helmy was wee bit cranky. Yeah.. He is a baby! He was tired of the j0urney jb to kl. Then, seri kembangan, last putrajaya. Pity ma babyb0o.. Vewy vewy cwanky...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rambutku yg menggiler

Aiyark.. Me no understand. Me hair n0w grows curly wurly. Farra did ask if me perm it. Yeah rite.. Aku takda duit, lg nk perm. Ceit.. Nway, cant wait nak tggu lg pnjg. Haha.. Jd ju 0n la aku. Huhu.. Til then..

+tak lame nk tggu 1st jan 09. Chop chop the hair. Haha..+

Monday, October 20, 2008

Saket mental. Goin to hospital permai by end of the year!

Memang suay hari ni. Suay suay. Bad luck all the way-never end!

Aku dah takda duit. Ada rm50 last dlm maybnk. Gaji lg 2 ari dpt. 2pm aku gi 7e, ada atm ambank. Tekan tekan.. Gile babi lama, atm maybnk card kuar. Duit takda. Then aku jalan gi e0n bank kt mcd. Nk kuar rm50, atm ckp insufficient. Lancau! Means kt 7e, duit gua dh kena t0lak,tapi duit tak kuar. Aku jalan blk g 7e. Amik no f0n ambank. Hp plak gua xbwk. Cilaka. Memg suay, suay! Blk umah, tip0n ambank. P0mpuan tu ckp, kena g ambank kt ss15. Gua panic. Keje 5pm. Dh nk 3pm. Tip0n kikie,cupee. Tp di0rg xsiap. Xpe. Phm. Decided to walk to ss15 dr umah gua kt sunway. Aku pun berjalan. Smpai kt sane, org bnk surh isi f0rm. Dia ckp xdpt refund arini. Haram bt0l. Aku jaln kaki dr bndr sunway g ss15, juz for fuckin 50bucks! Cn u imagine? Goddamnit.. I was so frustrated. Gua nangis gile babi. Call elyn. Saket jiwa raga aku. Jalan blk umah. Aku doa, biar mati kena langgar kt tepi highway. Tak payah idup lg. Tp tk mati gak. Smpai umah dh 4.45pm. Memg lmbt g keje. Cal k.melati. Dia surh g keje gak. Again, aku rase mcm sial. Susahkan org plak nk baya duit taxi. Tggu taxi til 5.30pm. Smpai ofis, kikie turun, bg duit. Gua memg tk benti nangs lg. Jiwa aku sgt saket..
Memg xda m0od lgsg. Hmph..

Malas dah nk pk. Mati lg bag0s. Mas0k neraka. Go to hell. Xpyh nk pk future. Study. Bla bla bla.

Ada mak bapak tp priority bukn anak2. Lavish lifestyle lg pntg. Aku nk mnta t0l0ng sape lg if family. If parents tak pedulikn lu, baik mamp0s. Bt0l? Nk ckp lebeh2, parents aku sndiri. If gaji gua 3k/4k xpe la. Ni 2k pun xsmpai. Lg mau demand gua bg duit pd k0rg. Otak xda ke? Memg gle babi. So, case ni pr0l0ng, memg c0nfirm, by end of year, aku masok h0spital permai. Dkt je pun dgn umah kempas. Xpyh lu susah2 pk pasl aku. Dh gle kn?

Cpt la korg doa aku mati ke, jd gle. Xpyh nk sush pk pasl aku. End of it!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Open house mode

Waiting for nlilyso. Hehe.. I mean lily. Mentari is n0t that far. Huhu.. Cupee rang earlier, asking where me. Aish.. Me unwell. Me face+body all over me, pimples-mania-like, with nanah+bl0od. Damnit.. Didnt kn0w how it happened. Allergy. Huk3.. Woteva.. D0nt want to think about it. Heartbreaking..

Monday, October 13, 2008

Kepala kusut

Sunday am g0ing to Nilai. Ieta requested me and Elyn to go! Huhu.. Gotta dera jai to pick us up in Sunway. Hehe.. How to go there? Farr away okai? Then next weekend g0nna be a l0ng weekend for me! Yayy~ 3 days off! Ieta has planned to go Penang. So, Penang i go! If n0t, anywhere would do! Time to get rejuvenated! Hehehe..

Me d0zing off...

Still frustated...

I had been sleeping whole day. Woke up 6.30am, then had sh0wer and dozed off again. At 10am+ w0ke up again, had milo and slept back. 2pm+ w0ke up, me went to the hall and c0ntinue sleeping again. At last 5pm+, w0ke up and straight to bathr0om, sh0wer. Hahaha.. Crazy! Wasted wh0le day tido mamp0s! Uhuhu..

I put laundry into washing machine. Then i realized i got no m0re detergen. Damn.. I walked to the minimart nearby, gt the rm1 fab. D0ne with washing, i washed the dishes. Vacuumed wh0le h0use. Am tired.. Huhu..
6.30pm i watched tv until n0w.. I d0nt kn0w what am watching coz am n0t watchin. Hehe.. Alm0st 12midnite n0w. 2m0ro w0rk 3pm. Argh.. Start dah shift gile babi. Next week 5pm-2am. Hmph..

This is n0t what i want but,

Do i have a ch0ice? ..

Lazy day

It is Monday. Blue Monday. I slept kinda late last night. Got home around 2am. Finished work 12midnite. Then, waited for AHN. He had briefing. Nway, around 12.45am he went d0wn. We then juz lepaq-ing in the car, at the office carpark. Hehe.. Better that way! We were talking bout everythng. Sent m0re than 10 s0ngs to him via bluet0oth 'b0tak' his ph0ne name. And suddenly, a patr0l p0lice car st0pped beside our car. Oh my god! C0me 0n! Gimme a fuckin break! The car's wind0ws were wide open! Both d0ors were opened t0o, with AHN legs pointed out of the car. Goddamnit.. We were just talking. I hate Malaysia! I hate everything bout being in Malaysia. Fuck you police! Do i have fuckin explained to you, what we were d0ing in the car?! We n0t even t0uched each other. Hes a friend at work. Just because am a w0man and he is a man, that c0nsider as we fuckin each other, or am lickin his balls etc bla bla bla. Am so fuckin frustrated. Plus, the car still parked at office. Even there were pe0ple there walking ar0und, the guards, the taxi drivers, .. and bright.. Shyt shyt.. Fuck the shyt! Hate em all! Just leave me al0ne please! Please! Lemme do what i want, as l0ng as n0t agaist the law of the c0untry.
In c0nclusi0n, w0man cant be seen with a man, talking ha? Stupid.. Stupid.. Hate it ere! Plz! Sum1! Any1! Take me away, out of Malaysia! Am so depressed! Would c0nsider, to slit my wrist again.. Off me go to hell...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Me ladybird

Hewoo all..
Am back. Havent update me blog many days. Been cr0ok again.. Aish..

I might be transfered to KLCC. Erk.. I d0nt want! Aiyark.. So far. D0nt think i could travel there everyday. Huhu.. I d0nt want to go..

Shawrty babe and Azzy babe.. You d0nt wowwy okai! That gender c0nfused matter was just to kill the time, plus, to make Azzy babe pereputala a.k.a c0nfused! Ahahaha.. Got ya ha? Uhuhu.. Eyt! Man still ma cup of tea. Hehe..

2m0wo no w0rk. Thursday t0o. Me w0nt go nywhr. G0nna stay ind0or. Still n0t fully rec0vered. Thought of meeting Kak Ieta. Miss her, esp. The kids. Lets see how it g0es. . .

Raya m0de...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Evils eyes

Mcm cacat mataku.. Aiyark.. Haha.. The fake eyelashes. The lens. Aish..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Freaking KO

Oh my oh my...
Me feverish already. Very tired. Beraya sampai lebam. Aiyark.. N0w, me cant breathe. My thr0at so painful. My body temperature quite high. Hmph.. Oh n0o.. Again, i fallen sick!

Pipiku yg bunchet.

Raya time, better kn0wn as RAYA F0OD FESTIVAL. Huhu.. Aiyark.. How me can say no to ketupat, sambal kacang, serunding, rendang, nasi beriani, and many many m0re! Haha..

Pipiku sudah bunchet..

Mayday mayday...

Gadis Ayu

Ahaha.. Geli geli.. Gadis ayu la plak.. Aish.. Keke.. On the way to kampung. Hope the some0ne that am quite l0nging to meet, g0ing to be there. Huhu..

Near yet so far...

2nd day of Aidilfitri

6am mamyta w0ke me up. Me g0t to prepare plov, to bring al0ng to kamp0ng. Aiyark.. Nway, me prepared the plov. Perfecto! Just as i want it to be..

Today me wearing white base c0lor baju kurung. The same material-silk. And fl0werish t0o.. Erk.. Its ok. Have to venture the fl0werish w0rld. Hahaha..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Me cousin, Naqeeb

Holla deawy cousin
0nce a year we meet, still we b0nd.
See y0u 2nite then wt the family.
Me g0nna c0ok many dishes. Haha.. Raya f0od festival! Huhu..

Hari Raya Aidilfitri with my siblings

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Maaf zahir dan batin.
Ikhlas ni.

Fr0m- Syezz+Dante

Brotherly luv

Helmy and me

Big r0und eyes

Me bj krg fl0werish. Huhu.. N0t likey but me luv the material. Its silk. Hehe.. Thanks mamyta. Luv u!

Suatu pagi di hari raya

Erk.. Dipakse pegi beraye. Damnit.. Argh.. Mayday mayday.. Plus Ferra f0rced me wear da fake eye lashes. Gile gile..
Nk tido. Help help..