The last I've jotted here somewhere in July. OMG~ Been many months, isnt it?!?! It's not I reluctant to jot it all here but the internet connection sux big time. However today I've decided to jot something cause I am so in need to express what's been trippin inside me all these while.
Tonight I be going to watch New Moon with Helmy. Another midnight date for us. ahaha (",) How nice to have a brother who loves you more than anything in this world. And of course I love him moreeeeeeeeeeeee~ aku kan ALONG! hihihi.. I took the couple seats OK! easier for me to 'bersila". hahaha.. If not, me gonna be 'tersepit'..!! hahaha.. SO fatty me me...
Well, TBL ASIA already started! How depressed I am til this moment also counted OK! Bloody heLL I never got in! I wanted to be in the program so badly! Unfortunately, my audition moment was not good enough for the judges to pick me! arrghh.. I would do anything to get in now if there is still a chance! Ask me to swim with the snake or wormys also I would do now! EWrkk.. More like FEAR FACTOR thing haa.. The Sewelss me lately! huhuhu.
I am waiting for Sharwty Babe to be back In JB! Holla Holla Shawrty babe! Don't forget, Saturday we have a date already! Sorry, we are booked on the Saturday! ahaha ^_^
Owh Owh.. 1st Dec 09 will be my last day at CHFS CS JB. Sad though cause I am comfortable there but the company is so in deep shyt and I hope my Beloved Lady Boss would be OK and got to find an investor so no bankruptcy would happened! I've liked it there already. The team are mad cow disease! ahaha (",) Even we've known each other for a short time but we are like a one big family, happily ever after. Aside the compny personnel issues bla bla bla. We all are good~ Gonna misz them ALL for sure~
I pray soooOOooo hard that 2010 would be a turning point where I could be someone else! hahaha.. Make me an ALIEN, plzz God!~!~! So what if I choose to be someone else..??!!?? ryte..??
I am mad with myself.....~
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