I am bored. I've been clubbing lots lately. Have not done it for quite sometimes since I've NO KAKI to tag along but now... OMG! or should I say,
I've met KAKIS CLUBBINGS and we all are great together! Yayy~ I guess Im not bored anymore. hahaha.. Mamyta+Dad never said anything also. Even they were the one sent me off to the club. People evolved OK! Wuhuu.. Good thing they both started to adapt and adopt to ME ME..!! I am happy apart of me arguing with mamyta ALL THE TIME nowadays! OMG! the more sins I am compiling since I've been living back at the family house in JB. Erkk.. Not good isnt it..?? But then, I am used to live all by myself and now, people barging in to my room all the time! demmit! I hate it! Hmph.. Again mental stressed~
Next Friday be going to Cabana with my KAKIS to party like animal planet! (",) National Geographi also Lose the battle~ kihkihkih.. and hell yeah, Xmas is soon.
AM thinking on the theme color this year. Maybe I might get a bigger Xmas tree this year cause I'm rich now! Hahaha.. Rich me me haa..??!!??
Money are meant to be spent so ...... SHOPPING SPREE for Xmas 2009~
Anyone ..?? Wanna Go Shoppin With Me ..??!!??
1 comment:
last pic rambut lu mcm ala2 carrie
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