I've promised Helmi to take him to the RECHARGE PARTY @ DISCOVERY JB.
And I've forgotten about that! Erkk..
He went back to Jb by bus on that Friday.
Honestly I thought the party was on Saturday nyte but it was on Friday.
Gosh.. I was so darn exhausted plus it was RED FLAG MOMENTA! I have not experienced period pain since March 09 due to the holistic cream i applied to myself.
Then my Beloved Aunty of mine, acupunture+massage me, bla bla bla, Chinese traditional way, and bloody hell, Again I started to have the shytty pain!
I was so do not want to go to the party but Dad+Mamyta forced me to bring Helmi there.
Then me go.
Kinda dying with the unbearable pain........
End of RECHARGE.....
The following week, it was MANHUNT COMP at CABANA. THE men all were hotties OK! Am melted alryte~
Just that, at the moment, i am so not into this MAN thingy! I guess I am sick and tired now. hahaha (",)
The question is - AM I SICK & TIRED BEING with MAN ..??!!??
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