I juz woke up. Nice to be at h0me. Nway, i might m0ve to a new apartment. With lift-thats for sure! I thought Suriamas would be a go0d place. To0 bad. It d0esnt hv smaller unit. All 4 r0oms. T0o big since me live al0ne. I cant take it anym0re, climbing the stairs, everyday. Kurus tak jugak. Hmph.. N0w house hunting with Elyn. Hope would able to find 0ne as s0on as p0ssible. Dying alryte.
I just got to kn0w Kak Ieta had an operati0n at SJMC. N0w shes at h0me. She'll be ok. 0ne thing she has decided to do l0ng time ago and n0w its all d0ne. No m0re wish to get a babygal.. Huhu.. Her choice.
3rd Nov, Elyn will start working at Jabatan Akauntan Negara, Putrajaya as an acc0untant assistant. She has been wanting to get a job with government and n0w, god has granted her wish. So, all the best serving the c0untry,my sista!
For the wh0le week, it was sleepless night for me. There was 's0mething' disturbing me. I did saw 'it' and straight rang mamyta. Inf0rmed her that s0me kind of supernatural presents in my house. I hate Malaysia! These shyts all never leave me al0ne! Insanity..
Went to pyramid with Elyn for a while. Then Azy msg wanted to meet up. Yeah.. Her house keys with me still. Then decided to meet up at asia cafe. Owh. Yan rang me. Asked me 0n maxis netw0rk. Aiyark.. I d0nt own maxis! Alamak.. Kacaucau..
Had kerapu bakar+bamb0o shell. Nice. Then Azy and Pjg arrived. Chatted bout many t0pics. Bitchhin 0n s0me pe0ple. Haha.. Dosa dosa. Ekekeke.. Given the keys to them.
G0nna sleep over at Elyns new place. Go0d luck ma sista! New j0b. New envir0nment. New pe0ple.
Me listenin to yasin, fr0m masjid nearby. This the 0nly surah that i have n0t f0rg0tten. Alhamdulilah.. Others,eg:
mulk,sajadah,maryam,etc, ive f0rg0tten. Erk.. Jahat jahat.. If i were n0t at the arab sch0ol in kluang,j0h0r for 6 m0nths, d0nt think i w0uld ever to hafaz any. Huhu.. G0tta get muqadam n0w. Haha.. Have to start reading+hafaz it all again. Yeah.. I may n0t be a g0od muslim but th0se surah fr0m Al-quran d0es make me at ease m0st of the time. Hmph.. C0mplex..
Shall end my off day n0w. Time to sleep again. Til then...
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