Yayy.. At last.. I managed to be there. Yippie.. The best part, do0rgift- PARKS0N V0UCHER RM500. OH MY G0D! U heard me god.. Thank y0u. Thank y0u. At these kind of weather, working hard like shyt, and m0ney seemed never en0ugh.. Never sh0pped f0r myself. Ended up paying many things. With so-called-demandable mamyta, duit duit duit, all the time. Plus my baby bro all time mug me. I am suffering to c0ntinue surviving in this cruel world. At times, i do have a thought, somehow, i am the 0ne cruel to the world. Am i? Are we?
Well, the dinner was nice. Every0ne in their 60s+70s c0stume. Afro hair. Hippies. Elvis Presley. Even Austin Power. Oh. The f0od was superb. 5 course Chinese cuisine. The taste was fabulous indeed tastylici0us.
Kak Ieta rang. Yess yess.. Am in KL. So, time to party! Yayy.. Shawrty dropped me at Kl Conventi0n Centre. Waited for Ieta. Then she was in fr0nt GOEL. Off me go to the car. Yippie.. It has been m0nths since we last got together. Its the night then. 1st stop at RICH CITY KTV s0mewhere at pudu. Ieta's friend's bday party. Gosh.. I w0uld say, the crowds were pathetic. All police,fru. Erk.. And all pengkid! Aiyark.. C0nfused plak aku kt dlm bilik coz yg p0mpuan jd lelaki, yg lelaki jd p0mpuan. Aduss.. Lantak lantak.
2nd stop RJ. Happily drinking tequila+l0ng island+bla bla bla, police came. Kacau daun! Pusing wh0le kl, same shyt! Me no happy! Argh.. Back to Pj, was at UC. Then off to Sunway. C0ntinue drinkin sessi0n. Hell yeah.. Drink til drop alryte.. Huhu..
Thank you pe0ple for the nyte! Next week, we party again ya! Ieta's bday! And the weekend would be in Penang. Party party party.. Maybe Club Med, Cherating. Up to the b0ss. Hehe.. Me got 4 days leave. Oh yeah.. If n0t, Singapore. Ahaha.. Cant wait..
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