Free food today!
Yayy.. Yesterday free massage. Tom0rr0w free c0rnetto. Hehe.. Fun isnt it? I guess, thats how maxis shows gratitude to us all. N0t to forget a black jacket wt squiggle 0n it and a lime green t-shirt. Will upload those pics s0on.
These whole week my mind wasnt at ease at all, til i decided to work extra hours. Mean, ive w0rked ma ass up 13-15hours per day, for the past few days. And today i really could feel that my head is 'akruzhaetcja'.. Huhu.. No extra hours then t0night. Shall c0ntinue back next week.
Sharwty came with ayamas chicken rice+mirinda strawberry. Had our dnr, while tv was 0n tv3. Stupid malay drama series. Again-a fuckin horr0r drama. N0t really into it though. Owh.. Me got me panda biscuit fr0m Singapore. Yayy.. Sharwty got it for me! I kn0w you love me! Takot aku mewajok ek? Kahkahkah.. Tau kan, gue mewajok seumur hidup! Huhu.. There are 4 flavours-c0okies n cream, milky, strawberry and ch0c0late. My fav would be strawberry panda then! Me like me like. Hehe.. Shouldnt let Helmy kn0ws ive got it. If he got to kn0w, i'd say, byebye panda! Huk3..
Kak Ieta sms. Mark had an accident while 0n his way back fr0m w0rk today evening. A w0man driver hit his car fr0m behind. That bl0ody w0man insisted to lodge a p0lice rep0rt. Then, when Ieta and Mark were at the p0lice stati0n, she wasnt there. Typical pe0ple! Hit and run! Til the p0liceman had to ring her himself and request her to be at p0lice stati0n asap! Thats why i said, what a bl0ody w0man! T0tally a wanker! Lucky n0thin happened to Mark. At least, u r safe ya!
Saturday i might be g0ing to Elyns house. N0wadays,
i do feel i am all al0ne, empty. . .
Pe0ple c0me and go. . .
It d0es break me apart at times but, i shall thank god my relati0n with my siblings are the best i ever had! Even Elyn with her attitudes+behavi0urs that so out of mind. Farra with her own determinati0ns and the m0st sensitive am0ngst us all. Last but n0t least, Helmy, my baby br0ther-the m0st pampered man on earth i ever met! OMG! Next week SPM! I just cant believe it! Hes finishing his sch0ol and hell yeah, he gr0wn up so fast! I was abr0ad for quite a l0ng time and never really got to spend time with them. N0w am back here, still we in distance. If 0nly i had the courage to live-again- with my parents ar0und. C0mplexity! Huhu..
Kepala aku rungsin sangat2. Rasa nak head banging against the wall. Hmph.. T0o many c0mpiled in my head. Thats why i refused go h0me. So, i w0rk extra hours. When i get h0me after midnight, i w0uld straight go to sleep after had sh0wer.
1 bl0ody s0ng.
WALKING AWAY by Craig David is playing 0n my hp, while am scribblin my deepest thoughts here.
Should i walk away then?
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