Sunday, November 30, 2008

Spassiba.. Thank you...

I cant wait to shop. Damn.. Its valid til 30 N0v 09. Oh my oh my.. 500bucks v0ucher. Any0ne g0nna r0b me n0w? Ahaha.. 1st thing to get would be - ESTEE LAUDER IDEALIST CREME that g0nna cost me 199bucks. Its for my face. Damn..
2nd item - BENETT0N WINTER SWEATER. Still n0t out yet the winter c0llecti0ns. I shall be waiting then...
3rd item - still figuring out...

Nway, my mamyta so jealous n0w. Ahaha.. D0nt u dare to take it away fr0m me.. Neva ...

Happy sh0pping, Syezza!


Remember 0ne of the epis0de in Epis0de 6 - SEX AND THE CITY. When Carrie Bradshaw had an arguement with her boyfriend, Peter Berger about the scrunchy hairdo. Gosh.. Stupid man. He was so shallow minded, indeed very low self esteem. Nway, me hairdo did it for free during the dinner. Hehe.. I like it. Simple yet dazzling and glittering.

Maxis Annual Dinner 08

Yayy.. At last.. I managed to be there. Yippie.. The best part, do0rgift- PARKS0N V0UCHER RM500. OH MY G0D! U heard me god.. Thank y0u. Thank y0u. At these kind of weather, working hard like shyt, and m0ney seemed never en0ugh.. Never sh0pped f0r myself. Ended up paying many things. With so-called-demandable mamyta, duit duit duit, all the time. Plus my baby bro all time mug me. I am suffering to c0ntinue surviving in this cruel world. At times, i do have a thought, somehow, i am the 0ne cruel to the world. Am i? Are we?

Well, the dinner was nice. Every0ne in their 60s+70s c0stume. Afro hair. Hippies. Elvis Presley. Even Austin Power. Oh. The f0od was superb. 5 course Chinese cuisine. The taste was fabulous indeed tastylici0us.

Kak Ieta rang. Yess yess.. Am in KL. So, time to party! Yayy.. Shawrty dropped me at Kl Conventi0n Centre. Waited for Ieta. Then she was in fr0nt GOEL. Off me go to the car. Yippie.. It has been m0nths since we last got together. Its the night then. 1st stop at RICH CITY KTV s0mewhere at pudu. Ieta's friend's bday party. Gosh.. I w0uld say, the crowds were pathetic. All police,fru. Erk.. And all pengkid! Aiyark.. C0nfused plak aku kt dlm bilik coz yg p0mpuan jd lelaki, yg lelaki jd p0mpuan. Aduss.. Lantak lantak.

2nd stop RJ. Happily drinking tequila+l0ng island+bla bla bla, police came. Kacau daun! Pusing wh0le kl, same shyt! Me no happy! Argh.. Back to Pj, was at UC. Then off to Sunway. C0ntinue drinkin sessi0n. Hell yeah.. Drink til drop alryte.. Huhu..

Thank you pe0ple for the nyte! Next week, we party again ya! Ieta's bday! And the weekend would be in Penang. Party party party.. Maybe Club Med, Cherating. Up to the b0ss. Hehe.. Me got 4 days leave. Oh yeah.. If n0t, Singapore. Ahaha.. Cant wait..

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


People come people go.. I was totally in shocked when Kak Ieta told me, MR. MANAGER has passed away 0n Sunday m0rning. He crashed a sh0p, the car turned upside d0wn, and went into a fl0od area. He dr0wned in the car while he was trying to escape. Go0dness graci0us.. I could n0t imagine. The sad part, i had been trying to call him since Friday coz wanna ask ab0ut perhentian. Hmph..

To the lord, i surrender...

Friday, November 21, 2008

What Nursyahazzarena Means

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.

And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.

You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.

You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic “Type A” personality.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.

Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience.

You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.

But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tag tag

There u go Shawrty. Tag tag me me ha? Me after sh0wer. No make up. Messy hair. Eyebag. Kihkihkih.. Betapa 'NATURAL' aye? Haha.. I tag tag u bak! Huhu.. Nk g l0nd0n ek? Jgn lupe, kas0t gue, utk elephant feet ni. Hehe..

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hp baru Azzy

U have a new hp. Hehe.. Takot nak kena jual ek? Nway, byebye n0kia! Welc0me welc0me willk0men dobre pazhalavat to the S0ny Ericss0n world! Welc0me to the club! Ni sume Shawrty nye sapal kan. Hehe..

Tak MMS aku pun. Cehh.. Nanti kite 3.5G okai? Video video calling.. Haha..

Enjoy the new hp!

Their M0ment Together

Am h0meless. Bloody p0mpuan sundal. Amik duit aku 1.5k. Amik amik... Curse 0n u, prastituka! Nakhui, blet.. Ubludak..

Decided to stay at Azzy's since her hubby outstati0n. Ada plak nangis isteri ni tiap mlm. Hehe.. Thank you to both of u, for letting me stay over, til me new dom ready. If rase gua menyemak, silalah halau gue! Tak kesahnye. No hal.

It is far to travel fr0m hyppo hill to setia jaya. Erk.. How u did it, babe? 3 m0nths u had travelled hyppo hill-klcc each day? Madness.. Dah dah. Gua ban lu dari keje out of klang. Lg org aneh2 dlm train. Sggh mebahayakan kesihatan. Busuk. Hapaq. Tekak aku kembang. Huhu.. Dgn aku skali bau dug0ng basi. Aiyark..

Owh oww... Astro. Alamak. Mati gue mati. Memg panggilan astro! Bukn pggln pulau. Ad0ii.. Siap la m0vie marath0n. Dh tgk dh harry p0tter-order of the phoenix, the last king of Scotland, etc.. Aduss..

Aku dh demam. Kepenatan. Br dr hyppo hill til setia jaya 0nly,gua punctured. Huhu.. Dah la. Time to sleep.

Friday, November 7, 2008

OT 0n Friday

OT done. Thought of staying til late evening but then network alert 3G downtime at Subang, Bandar Sunway, Damansara, Pj.
So i run for my life.. Hahaha.. No way for me to stay over. Sure dieded! Huhu..

Owh.. Cornetto day today. Had two. Hehe.. Kukie got me choc br0wnies flavour. Aish.. To0 ch0c0laty! Then had alm0nd flavour after w0rk. That was ok. Not much ch0ccy. Me likey..

Went to pyramid for a while. Walked ar0und. Didnt buy anythin. People are staring at me. Maybe due to the striking lime green t-shirt i wear today. Hehe.. Passed by Maxis Centre Pyramid, to buy jackfruit. 0ne of the staff appr0ached me and ask about the t-shirt. Hihi.. Special editi0n. The t-shirt is simple yet nice+pretty. Thank you MAXIS for the freebies!

Me sleepy n0w. G0nna take a nap then.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


There you go, as ive said that im g0ing to upload the pics of jacket+t-shirt. Striking lime green, isnt it? Buta mata aku! Haha.. Well, g0nna wear it t0m0rr0w. So do Kukie. We b0th OT 10am, dunn0 til what time though.

Owh.. Have to put in list-to-do. 2/3pm have to update Azzy what time am d0ne with OT. She wanted to c0me over, since Panjang has class at his h0met0wn. Babe, me no pw0mise u nythn yet, ya? Kepala aku rungsin. Baik duduk office, ramai orang. Tak pikir banyak. Hmph..


Argh.. Fuckin headache. Its for the future! Wr0ng decisi0n, u would see my dead b0dy, after jumped d0wn fr0m KLCC. I kn0w, i kn0w it d0es s0und lame. But again, do ive a ch0ice? If UKRAINE never fucked me so badly, with th0se m0ney they wanted! I w0uld have be a doctor by n0w. It shattered my heart so hard til i got no m0re tears. Undescribeable! N0w am w0rking so like a mad-dog, and shyth0le, i aint got en0ugh to spend. Still have to ask s0me fr0m mamyta+dad at times. Goddamnit.. I didnt party. I didnt sh0p. The salary finished just like that! Rent+f0od+toiletries+medical+etc...
Am n0t whining. But i just d0nt kn0w what to do. Am t0tally lost myself! Again, i lost faith in god! Why it seems so hard to reach out for what ive been l0nging f0r? Especially the time when ive started to hold still 0nto my beliefs, and in just a sec0nd, tested me with obstacles+hardship..


Psychotic me!


Free food today!
Yayy.. Yesterday free massage. Tom0rr0w free c0rnetto. Hehe.. Fun isnt it? I guess, thats how maxis shows gratitude to us all. N0t to forget a black jacket wt squiggle 0n it and a lime green t-shirt. Will upload those pics s0on.

These whole week my mind wasnt at ease at all, til i decided to work extra hours. Mean, ive w0rked ma ass up 13-15hours per day, for the past few days. And today i really could feel that my head is 'akruzhaetcja'.. Huhu.. No extra hours then t0night. Shall c0ntinue back next week.

Sharwty came with ayamas chicken rice+mirinda strawberry. Had our dnr, while tv was 0n tv3. Stupid malay drama series. Again-a fuckin horr0r drama. N0t really into it though. Owh.. Me got me panda biscuit fr0m Singapore. Yayy.. Sharwty got it for me! I kn0w you love me! Takot aku mewajok ek? Kahkahkah.. Tau kan, gue mewajok seumur hidup! Huhu.. There are 4 flavours-c0okies n cream, milky, strawberry and ch0c0late. My fav would be strawberry panda then! Me like me like. Hehe.. Shouldnt let Helmy kn0ws ive got it. If he got to kn0w, i'd say, byebye panda! Huk3..

Kak Ieta sms. Mark had an accident while 0n his way back fr0m w0rk today evening. A w0man driver hit his car fr0m behind. That bl0ody w0man insisted to lodge a p0lice rep0rt. Then, when Ieta and Mark were at the p0lice stati0n, she wasnt there. Typical pe0ple! Hit and run! Til the p0liceman had to ring her himself and request her to be at p0lice stati0n asap! Thats why i said, what a bl0ody w0man! T0tally a wanker! Lucky n0thin happened to Mark. At least, u r safe ya!

Saturday i might be g0ing to Elyns house. N0wadays,
i do feel i am all al0ne, empty. . .
Pe0ple c0me and go. . .
It d0es break me apart at times but, i shall thank god my relati0n with my siblings are the best i ever had! Even Elyn with her attitudes+behavi0urs that so out of mind. Farra with her own determinati0ns and the m0st sensitive am0ngst us all. Last but n0t least, Helmy, my baby br0ther-the m0st pampered man on earth i ever met! OMG! Next week SPM! I just cant believe it! Hes finishing his sch0ol and hell yeah, he gr0wn up so fast! I was abr0ad for quite a l0ng time and never really got to spend time with them. N0w am back here, still we in distance. If 0nly i had the courage to live-again- with my parents ar0und. C0mplexity! Huhu..

Kepala aku rungsin sangat2. Rasa nak head banging against the wall. Hmph.. T0o many c0mpiled in my head. Thats why i refused go h0me. So, i w0rk extra hours. When i get h0me after midnight, i w0uld straight go to sleep after had sh0wer.

1 bl0ody s0ng.
WALKING AWAY by Craig David is playing 0n my hp, while am scribblin my deepest thoughts here.


Should i walk away then?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Off day

I juz woke up. Nice to be at h0me. Nway, i might m0ve to a new apartment. With lift-thats for sure! I thought Suriamas would be a go0d place. To0 bad. It d0esnt hv smaller unit. All 4 r0oms. T0o big since me live al0ne. I cant take it anym0re, climbing the stairs, everyday. Kurus tak jugak. Hmph.. N0w house hunting with Elyn. Hope would able to find 0ne as s0on as p0ssible. Dying alryte.

I just got to kn0w Kak Ieta had an operati0n at SJMC. N0w shes at h0me. She'll be ok. 0ne thing she has decided to do l0ng time ago and n0w its all d0ne. No m0re wish to get a babygal.. Huhu.. Her choice.

3rd Nov, Elyn will start working at Jabatan Akauntan Negara, Putrajaya as an acc0untant assistant. She has been wanting to get a job with government and n0w, god has granted her wish. So, all the best serving the c0untry,my sista!

For the wh0le week, it was sleepless night for me. There was 's0mething' disturbing me. I did saw 'it' and straight rang mamyta. Inf0rmed her that s0me kind of supernatural presents in my house. I hate Malaysia! These shyts all never leave me al0ne! Insanity..

Went to pyramid with Elyn for a while. Then Azy msg wanted to meet up. Yeah.. Her house keys with me still. Then decided to meet up at asia cafe. Owh. Yan rang me. Asked me 0n maxis netw0rk. Aiyark.. I d0nt own maxis! Alamak.. Kacaucau..

Had kerapu bakar+bamb0o shell. Nice. Then Azy and Pjg arrived. Chatted bout many t0pics. Bitchhin 0n s0me pe0ple. Haha.. Dosa dosa. Ekekeke.. Given the keys to them.

G0nna sleep over at Elyns new place. Go0d luck ma sista! New j0b. New envir0nment. New pe0ple.

Me listenin to yasin, fr0m masjid nearby. This the 0nly surah that i have n0t f0rg0tten. Alhamdulilah.. Others,eg:
mulk,sajadah,maryam,etc, ive f0rg0tten. Erk.. Jahat jahat.. If i were n0t at the arab sch0ol in kluang,j0h0r for 6 m0nths, d0nt think i w0uld ever to hafaz any. Huhu.. G0tta get muqadam n0w. Haha.. Have to start reading+hafaz it all again. Yeah.. I may n0t be a g0od muslim but th0se surah fr0m Al-quran d0es make me at ease m0st of the time. Hmph.. C0mplex..

Shall end my off day n0w. Time to sleep again. Til then...