I w0ke up at 6.45am. G0tta meet Kukie at the office. H0pe K. Melati c0uld make it to Genting since she has s0me pr0blem at h0me. She would bring her daughter, Mia al0ng. Yeah.. Stupid Ind0nesian maid. Am got so pissed off and straight sent her off back to the agency. Bl0ody maid! Had en0ugh of it! Huhu..
Nway, Kukie dr0ve us to Kl central. Parking was the maj0r issue. I rang Shawrty to ask where should park the car. No answer. Bet she was still asleep. Hehe.. My fwen the sleeping beauty. Ahaha.. At last, after dr0pped K. Melati and Mia 1st, we parked at the RM6. A bit far th0ugh. Huhu..
Went to check the bus ticket. Damn. Next available bus at 11.30am. Nevermind. As l0ng as we get there and have s0me fun times. Well, i kn0w, s0me of them are n0t happy c0z time is limited since bus to Kl at 5.30pm.
Since am the 0ne organized the trip. Fr0m the start, me already kinda fed up with the pe0ple. S0me wanted to go to Bagan Lalang. S0me Sunway lag0on. S0me Genting. Bla bla bla.. Til the end, 0n M0nday, still all have n0t decided, to Genting, to stay or n0t. What in hell then... If all have decided 2 weeks earlier, or at least a week bef0re, i c0uld have g0ne and get the ticket. But then, t0o bad, all decided last minute. So, get thru with it then! Blame me if u want to! I kn0w aint ma fault. Genting? B0san dah aku! Ahaha.. N0w vacati0n m0de, 0nly at island with crystal clear water. Other than that, n0t interested! Hehe..
I didnt do much at Genting, due to my legs injury. Erk.. Wanted to h0p 0n Solero Shot but it was close. Same g0es to corkscrew. Aiyark.. Tensi0n tensi0n.
Owh.. S0me pe0ple buat muka! Ahaha.. Sebab, dpt spend 5hrs+ je kt Genting. Freaking childish. Wakakaka.. Bukan lu ke yg ckp, nk tdo Genting dgn kwn2 mane best;tdo dgn b0yfren lg best! Cheapskate byatch! Do u hv to tell the w0rld that? - that u sleepin wt yr b0yfren?! Bodo b0do. Lg nk buat2 muka mcm babi. Isk.. Gua terajang nanti. Arghh.. Saje nak bagi gua angin. Urghh..
We late f0r the skyway. Means g0nna late f0r the bus. Run pe0ple run! Aiyark.. And guess what? We managed to h0p 0n the bus. But, Warri0r missed the bus! G0sh, stress aku stress! Driver bus pun mcm babi! Kurang ajar bt0l! Haram j! Kukie pun stress. Driver ni heartless nk mamp0s. Cruel. Warri0r pegi t0ilet. Damnit.. Rase nk blasah jek org tua tu. Nway, apa we all buat coz saket hati. We k0t0rkan bus. Buang all sampah sarap. Terbalikkan makanan. Padan muka lu driver bodo! Gua terbalikkan mi h0on lg. Gua lg jahat! Ahahaha..
Nway, had nice time at Genting. Eventh0ugh s0me pe0ple sh0wed the negative aura. Especially with Mia ar0und. Hehe.. Babysitter la pulak aku! Weee..
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