The theme was red/white. Well, my red dress t0o much to be w0rn to w0rk. I f0und the white dress, which i bought for Najua's hensz nyte. 1st time i put it 0n. Yeah.. It d0es l0ok g0od. Hehe.. K. Melati said, me clubbin m0de. Aish.. C0p dah muka gue clubbin lady. Aiyark..
The valys was ok. I d0nt celebrate it nway. But, the day this year is Gals Day Out. Was at Gabai. Picnic m0de with Babe and Wify. Oh. Shaleen t0o. Shall update the pic s0on. We had nice time there. Bersiram ala puteri santub0ng. Ahaha.. The best part, photo sessi0n. Juz imagine, less than 5 hours, pics taken 400+ sh0ts. Wuhuu.. We ph0t0h0lic alryte! Kihkihkih..
My family was here at my house f0r the weekend. So nice of mama cleaned up the pig sty h0uz. Huhu.. Why me gettin lazy n0w? The truth is- i just f0und that i hate to lipat baju! Ahaha.. Yeah.. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.
Am tired+sleepy..
To be c0ntinued...
P/S: Shawrty babe, memg karatsz sudeh blog gue! Aint got time it seems plus, network sux big time, unable to p0st blog fr0m me ph0ne!
1 comment:
post entry yg sama 2 kali at the same time doen't count for your blog not to be un-karat ok.
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