We started our club h0pping after dinner. Was at USSR at Pantai Kok. Then hang out f0r a while then dr0ve back to Chenang area. 1st stop at the Reggae Bar. Naa.. Many locals. Me n0 likey. Ewwyy.. But the pina c0lada was tastylicious. Hehe.. Then, off to Sunba, about 500m fr0m the Reggae Bar. Again, reggae. Aiyark.. Sm0ke weed everyday. Ahaha.. M0st locals there are into the hippy style. Owh.. I saw a group of b0ys+gals. Remind me of the Sco0by D0o gang. Haha.. Plus the unique van. Huhu.. Nway, 3rd st0p, ASEANIA. Oh n0o! Even w0rst. M0st pe0ple there are l0cals.
* baru bt0l panggilan pulau :-P * aiyark.. Then, at last i decided to go back to h0tel. Rather have my own party in the r0om. Last stop at the supermarket, grabbed vodka+c0r0na beer+many m0re and dr0ve to h0tel. Time to party myself, since Elynn said, she stopped drinkin alc0h0l+go to club. Ahh.. Fuck u! I kn0w why u refused though. Bcoz of your boyfriend walked away fr0m u 0nce, after got to kn0w u went clubbing with me. Ah mamp0s kau la. Malas nak layan. Btw, i could have fun myself. Let her be in her w0rld. No worries! Am c0ol. Juz that, devastated f0r such a stupido mind, letting others take c0ntr0l of 0neself. Frustrated. Argh.. Well, i managed to finish all the b0oze myself that m0rnin. W0ke up with no hangover. Damn.. I need tequila to qill me! Ahaha.. Al-kashka..
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