It is Monday. Blue Monday. I slept kinda late last night. Got home around 2am. Finished work 12midnite. Then, waited for AHN. He had briefing. Nway, around 12.45am he went d0wn. We then juz lepaq-ing in the car, at the office carpark. Hehe.. Better that way! We were talking bout everythng. Sent m0re than 10 s0ngs to him via bluet0oth 'b0tak' his ph0ne name. And suddenly, a patr0l p0lice car st0pped beside our car. Oh my god! C0me 0n! Gimme a fuckin break! The car's wind0ws were wide open! Both d0ors were opened t0o, with AHN legs pointed out of the car. Goddamnit.. We were just talking. I hate Malaysia! I hate everything bout being in Malaysia. Fuck you police! Do i have fuckin explained to you, what we were d0ing in the car?! We n0t even t0uched each other. Hes a friend at work. Just because am a w0man and he is a man, that c0nsider as we fuckin each other, or am lickin his balls etc bla bla bla. Am so fuckin frustrated. Plus, the car still parked at office. Even there were pe0ple there walking ar0und, the guards, the taxi drivers, .. and bright.. Shyt shyt.. Fuck the shyt! Hate em all! Just leave me al0ne please! Please! Lemme do what i want, as l0ng as n0t agaist the law of the c0untry.
In c0nclusi0n, w0man cant be seen with a man, talking ha? Stupid.. Stupid.. Hate it ere! Plz! Sum1! Any1! Take me away, out of Malaysia! Am so depressed! Would c0nsider, to slit my wrist again.. Off me go to hell...
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