Saturday, December 17, 2011

End of 2011 ... ~danggg~

OMG.. It has been more than a year I supposed I have not been blogging.
Been busy with studies. assignments. presentations. etc..

dated a month me now working at CSOS JB together wit Fara.
It is hard though to work and to study at the same time!

I guess 2012 by January I shall start blogging again.
Just like back then in 2008.

As the years passed by, it seemed like I am not bothered to keep track of what's happening every single day.

Christmas is just around the corner.
Hell yeah I do miss white Xmas back in Ukraine.

I wished I could turn back time......


17th Dec 2011
v maei' komnate.....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


first day at class
new group - TARRAGON wt 4 othe girls. lia caca syezz n ain