Saturday, February 28, 2009
Part 2-Maxis Family Day

Here i am, at Bukit Kiara Equestrian. Shawrty+Syaiful n0t yet arrived. My sista came with her bf? Owh.. My 'bf'? Naa.. Dieded owedy! Ahaha.. M0st of MAXISians c0me with the family+kids. L0okin at the lyttle kids runnin ar0und, playin all the games there, they are havin so much fun. Merry-go-r0und, ferris wheel, and many m0re.
I played Slamdunk. Well, definitely am g0od. Hehe.. Was a sh0oter during sch0ol time f0r netball. Hehe.. Owh.. Shawrty made me played the dancing game. Aduss.. Failed! Then, karaoke time. Again me failed. Both Shawrty+Elyn gt platinum OK! Syaiful gt gold. N0t bad! Hahaha.. We havin gud time at the family day.
Its C0UNTER STRIKE time. Laser gun. Sh0otin the enemies. Shawrty and me in 1 team. Syaiful and Elyn in the other team. H0nestly, it was tiring. Ahaha.. Tua sudeh gue! Aiyark.. Lutut saket tuh. Wuhuu.. C0nfirm later at nite kaki gue saket. Hukhukhuk..
Dinner time. Variety of cuisines. Malay+Chinese+Indian+Vege.. F0od was ok. At least, jimat duit f0r dinner. Hehe..
After dinner, we ch0w. My wh0le b0dy aches owedy. Huhu.. Hmph.. Time to g0 h0me n0w..
Maxis Family Fiesta 2009

While waiting for Elyn, i got so bored. Since i have n0t taken many pics lately, then why n0t i t0ok 0ne at least so i could p0st it in my blog. Yupp yupp me kn0w my bl0g karats owedy. Huhu..
My hair is l0nger n0w. M0re curly wurly which been envied by the Chinese at the sal0n in pyramid. I did tell the w0man actually i did n0t c0mb my hair, thats why its tangled! Eheh..
Aiyark.. Wheres my sista. Me hunwry owedy. Shawtrty wanted to pick me up but last minute, Elyn wanted to go. G0od thing. Thats my family that ive here in Kl. Wished Ferra+Helmy were ere t0o.
Me gettin sleepy.. Freakin h0t outside.

Been a while since last i stepped into a discotheque. Haha.. Tipu tipu.. Kihkihkih.. :-P
The night went 0n quite well. The s0ngs were, erm.. Shuffle m0de! Aiyark.. So i ended up n0t shake the b0oty but sit and sit, wh0le night l0ng. . . G0sh... Kids everywhere. Hehe.. I was a kid t0o, jumping ar0und, climbin up the p0dium. Yeah.. All in the past. Huhu.. Reminiscing the mem0ries which ive tried so hard to let it go..
0n the way h0me, stopped at mamaks. Then suddenly Mr. X rang. He was there also. He saw me with Shawrty and Syaiful. Seb0k! What a stalker! Ahaha..
Then g0t h0me. Sh0wer. And Zzzzz.....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Valys 09

The theme was red/white. Well, my red dress t0o much to be w0rn to w0rk. I f0und the white dress, which i bought for Najua's hensz nyte. 1st time i put it 0n. Yeah.. It d0es l0ok g0od. Hehe.. K. Melati said, me clubbin m0de. Aish.. C0p dah muka gue clubbin lady. Aiyark..
The valys was ok. I d0nt celebrate it nway. But, the day this year is Gals Day Out. Was at Gabai. Picnic m0de with Babe and Wify. Oh. Shaleen t0o. Shall update the pic s0on. We had nice time there. Bersiram ala puteri santub0ng. Ahaha.. The best part, photo sessi0n. Juz imagine, less than 5 hours, pics taken 400+ sh0ts. Wuhuu.. We ph0t0h0lic alryte! Kihkihkih..
My family was here at my house f0r the weekend. So nice of mama cleaned up the pig sty h0uz. Huhu.. Why me gettin lazy n0w? The truth is- i just f0und that i hate to lipat baju! Ahaha.. Yeah.. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.
Am tired+sleepy..
To be c0ntinued...
P/S: Shawrty babe, memg karatsz sudeh blog gue! Aint got time it seems plus, network sux big time, unable to p0st blog fr0m me ph0ne!
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