Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pathetic People Ive met thruout my life

to those out there, who have hurt me in any ways, i would say, i dont give too fuck! i hate you! no no no.. i dont hate you. i do like you. but cant you let me try to like you a lil bit more.. who am i? am spiderman ... ah .. bodo bodo......

aku malas nak tulis. memg tk de mood. nanti2 laa aku tulis lg..

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Ring

Me having a ring? Erk.. 0n me left hand? Aish.. Funny.. Weird.. Haa?
Whose ring? Huhu..
D0nt die my fwens all!
Am n0t getting married! Ahaha.. Its just so cacat of me to0k the ring fr0m me lady b0ss! Ehehe.. K0n0n k0n0n!


Even am m0ody, never st0pped for pic m0menta! Hehe.. Macam peliq la aku teng0k pic ni. Erk..

I hate my job
I hate my job
I hate my job


Memang me me tak suka sikat ramb0t. Huhu.. B0sannye aku nak pegi keje. Damnit.. Need to find sumthng dat cud attract me to go w0rk in peace! Jap aku pk! Is there any g0t hunk? Hmph.. Naaa.. N0t at all.. Hot gals? Isk.. Me n0t lesbo! Eww..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sleepless nite

Aku dah jadi super cranky+grumpy. Tak tido dari semalam. Damnit..

Monday, August 11, 2008

An Aftern0on


D0nt l0ok at me phatty leg ya? Ahaha..

L0ok at the scenery behind me PLZZ!
The beach side.. N0w believe it or n0t? How can i n0t fallen in luv with the crystal clear water+sandy beach+hot sunshine (k0n0n la!) ..

I swam like a whale in the sea. Am luvin it! Betta than 'dug0ng' ! Ops! Itula ikan yang paling hodoh! Huhu.. I was at scared at 1st. Keep 0n h0lding mai druzia ruki.. Pegang tangan kawan me laa!
The best of all-there was n0 wave. Unless the stupid boats passed by then i started panicking!

Why me was so brave swimming in that sea? Coz me could see my kaki! Ahaha.. I am cacat! What to do? Aku tak0t la dengan big water! Huhu.. When the wave started coz da bugger b0ats, i did tell Mary that me scared if 'baby su' suddenly happened! Wild guess whats that 'baby su' ya? Yeah.. Nama manja for BABY TSUNAMY! Ahahaha..

Even ive applied so much of sunbl0ck, 130 ok? - still maya kozha, my skin burnt allrite! Huhu.. C0nfirm 0nce bak 0n land, me g0nna apply heaps of whitening l0ti0n all over me body! Nevermind! At least, i managed to get over my fear by swimming in the sea and sn0rkling. Hehe.. Penak0t aku ni! Huhuhu..
Nway, earlier was smsing with Mr. Z.
Eh.. Bukan my dad ek? Yeah.. Me dad Mr. Zakaria. Ape gila aku nak ber-sms dgn my dad?! Adakah? Ahahaha..
Told Mr. Z that by September the island closed d0wn! So, the next trip w0uld be next year. Then i guess, your birthday, 17th Oct, celeb 0n land ya? Hehe.. Winter la! And i guess by that time you g0nna be busy, preparing yourself for the flying akademiya. Owh! N0t to forget, th0se paks as uve pr0mised me!
Cair aku cair! Hahaha :-* c0nfirm aku jadi rapist ni! Mayday mayday!
Jap.. Sape pil0t ni? Me or u? I think me dah jadi pil0t dulu! Dah all time 'MAYDAY MAYDAY' .. ! Ahahaha..

Mr. Z!
-u kn0w who u r-
C0mments fr0m ya are needed here! Remember i t0ld you,fr0m JUNE posts u have to c0mment ya? Jahat tak aku seksa orang? Hehe.. Bukan slalu pun! Sumtimes.. :-P

Sunday, August 10, 2008


K0n0n laa sunbathing! Damnit.. N0w me skin super tanned. :'(
*sob sob* .. Sandy beach. Me like! Hehe..

Wished there was s0me0ne beside me so me c0uld hug ya!
^u kn0w who u are^
T0ne up those paks, and i g0nna get cha in any kind of weather! Aite?

Had the greatest m0ment of all! Thank you so much to you people! The weekend means a lot to me! Very l0ng journey though! Me was kinda dying on the way there!

Next trip, hope we could do this again! Keep update ya?

Til the next journey begins . . . . .

Burning The Skin

It is an0ther day in paradise.. I shall be back again to the crystal clear water. What a beach?! See you s0on! Yeah.. Told Mr. Z to tag al0ng with me next time! Okai,babyb0o?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Turkleri cok sevdim

I miss u pe0ple! See u s0on again! Why n0t u c0me to my c0untry, instead of me going there?

Summer Jam

Hot hot sunshine! Erk.. My skin burnt alrite! Damn..

Friday, August 1, 2008

Here I Am

Journey to the west! Am in ma bel0ved c0untry! At last.. Am listening to s0ngs. Kinda b0red.. Mau druzya cnjat. Tido kawan2 ku. Ja xo4y cnat to*e!

Choccy Time

Tensi0n punya hal. Choc me f0und in fridge-time out.

Again, blame the time of the m0nth, you period! Make me suffer every m0nth!

Hey! Am a gal n0t yet a w0man. . .

Jiwa Kacau

New hair-do. New hair color. Am i happy? Huhu..

Happy Birthday To Me!

Jiwa Kacau

New hair-do. New hair color. Am i happy? Huhu..

Happy Birthday To Me!